same roommate, but it’s his knee (dunno which one, he’s not here right now). started hurting when he’d lock his knees out at the top of the leg press (told him not to). went away, then came back after deep-/full-squats, however you wanna name it, then went away for a little bit, now it’s back after falling on it outside. he’s a runner in his spare time, and I’m thinking it’s possible that if he hits the ground hard, it might be slowing down his recovery. any opinions? (obviously there are; this is, after all, a T-Nation Forum)
if I’m not being clear enough on something, I doubt anyone will hesitate to say so. thanks in advance.
Um, what happened? Where is there pain? Swelling? Gotta tell us more than “injured knee” if you want us to help.
If it hurts running might slow recovery or make things worse depending on what happened. If nothing snapped, popped, or ripped, it’s probably ok. Your friend would know if he ripped any ligaments. He would been on the ground. And if he didn’t rip any ligaments, the only thing he needs to worry about really is if he tore some cartilage.
I’d suggest telling him to see a dr.
soreness in the knee, and stretching doesn’t help/hurt. no swelling, no discoloration…
tell me more about this “torn cartilage” thing.
and I’ve been telling him to see a doc for months. he’s just worried if he goes and they do x-rays and such, and it’s nothing, he’ll seem like a pussy.
[quote]Eppert wrote:
soreness in the knee, and stretching doesn’t help/hurt. no swelling, no discoloration…
tell me more about this “torn cartilage” thing.
and I’ve been telling him to see a doc for months. he’s just worried if he goes and they do x-rays and such, and it’s nothing, he’ll seem like a pussy.[/quote]
If there is no swelling I doubt it is anything. If he bends his knee and tries to touch his heel to his butt, does his knee get tight? If so, he does have some swelling, just not visible swelling.
“tell me more about this “torn cartilage” thing.”
Google “meniscus tear”
k will do that.
asked him what it feels like in detail, got a bunch of stuff that I didn’t quite understand, such as not being able to ‘stop on a dime’ when squatting, and “feels weaker than the other knee.” what I did understand was that it’s not stiff, just painful.
meniscus sprain is coming up as the most likely, and he’s saying something about the acl being a possibility. it’s definitely not a tear, though. any idea how long this could take to heal? and I keep seeing a lot about a knee brace being needed for at least the recovery stage. also, I see RICE treatment as the way to recovery if you don’t do surgery (if it requires surgery). sound on track so far? because I’m completely bullshitting the treatment part; I’m no doc.