Knee Injury

Sup all, starting to seem like I have horrible luck at work. This time I’ve really messed up knee, I was walking around a conrner and slipped in the mud and felt about 6 or 7 pops and cracks in my left and it had a sharp pain and just gave out on me. Its been 2 days since it happened and i can finally at lest bend it backwards, but cant fully strainghten it or put much weight on it. I am still waiting on an MRI to see what is actually damaged in there.

What I am curious about without being able to walk or even sit properly, is there anything I can do besides icing it lots to try and keep the swelling down which still hasnt gone down much since it happened.


Rest it

Ice it

Compress (Ace Bandage)

Elevate above the heart

And some Advil.

pretty much what he said ^^ and good luck to you too.

Thanks guys for the advice, thats pretty well what I have been doing, except for the fact I cant really get my knee higher then my heart it hurts too much. Other then that right now its getting iced about 10 hours aday, but now it seems the pain is starting to expand down my calf and shin and into my ankle. Back into to see the doc on monday so hopefully I can get some more answears then.

[quote]Raimisch wrote:
Thanks guys for the advice, thats pretty well what I have been doing, except for the fact I cant really get my knee higher then my heart it hurts too much. Other then that right now its getting iced about 10 hours aday, but now it seems the pain is starting to expand down my calf and shin and into my ankle. Back into to see the doc on monday so hopefully I can get some more answears then.[/quote]

10 hours a day? You’re supposed to ice it for 20 minutes max. And repeat that after 2 hours or something.

Thats what I had always thought about the ice, but my doc said ice it as much as I can stand it. So not really sure which advice to follow on it

The usual is 20 mins on 20 mins off or 30 mins on 30 mins off. You can ice it for 10 hrs but make sure its intermittent.

I hurt my knee also, I jupmed in the swimming pool and just walked around. I went out to the pool on the crutches, I didnt need them after that anymore. It wouldnt hurt to try.

The popping when you injured your knee and the fact that you can’t really put pressure on it sounds like you might have torn your acl…I hope that isn’t the case as you would be facing a good 8 months of rehab…

Well its been 8 days since I did whatever i did to my knee and still havent gotten into the MRI. Its still swolen and still painful to even go for apartial range of motion backwards and to full straighten it. I can partially shuffle on it now, but it still hurts like hell with weight on it. Right now seeing I cant really even bend it, i cant get into the gym and sit on a bench so i can at lest do some upperbody work, which is annoying. I think this would be much easier to go through if I knew what was actually wrong and how long aprox I would be out, but right now i just get the worst case scenario’s running through my head.