Which Program to Increase 1RM after 5x5? HELP!

What program to follow to increase my 1RM, build muscle, size, athleticism?

I’m following the Push pull legs to build muscle, but for strength running the 5x5 program on compounds:

Pull - Deadlifts
Push - Bench,OHP
Legs - Squats

Sounds like you need to take a look at 5/3/1

Literally ticks all those boxes, is there anything you’re training specifically for or just to be awesome at life?

Is there an article on website that’s has some updated 5/3/1 fixing any possible flaws?

Like someone did with the 5x5:

Which flaws are you referring to? Have you run any 5/3/1 templates before?
If you’re new to 5/3/1 I’d throughly recommend buying the book if you live in the US, if you want to avoid shipping and customs fees if you don’t live in the US a couple of the books are available as ebooks

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How long have you been following this 5x5 program?

4-5 months ish, but i think i’m at a plateau, i adjust based on if i completed the HEAVY day fully which changes my 1rm, so i’ve usually been able to increase my compounds by 1.5-2.5kg per week, but now it’s been really difficult to meet the required reps for the 5 sets not sure why, maybe i went up to fast because i’ve been stuck on the same weight for 2 weeks now. Thinking of just moving onto 3x5 or 3x3 until i reach a limit, test 1RM, then repeat 5x5.


  • Load: 85-95% of 1RM
  • Sets: 5
  • Reps per set: 1 x 5, 1 x 4, 1 x 3, 1 x 2, 1x 1
  • Tempo: Normal (2 seconds down, 1 second up)
  • Rest: 3-4 minutes

Nope but was just thinking if there was any article where someone just made the 5/3/1 program better like someone did with the 5x5:

How are you able to ask if someone made the 5/3/1 program better having not run it? There are numerous ways to run 5/3/1 due to number of different templates which emphasis different aspects depending on your goals.

I will have to read over the program.

Was looking into 5/3/1 and this coach said this:

If my goals are to build strength and muscle most optimally after 5x5, then should i just do 3x3 until i reach a plateau then test 1RM, run 5x5 based on my new 1rm.

Ah! An instagram coach.

It figures.

Listening to Insta influencers is probably the biggest gains killer out there. Worse than any shitty programing.

But you do you.


100% this
You’ve asked for

In addition to 5/3/1 there are plenty of other well designed programmes widely used and show to get excellent results but if you wanna listen to a random on tik tok then fill your boots

I would do the 5/3/1 until you find a program that 100 percent of people agree with.
I just read the comments on that post. He took a person from a 95lb bench to 675lb in two weeks. What do you think about that?

Just a note on Joe Stanek. Based on context clues, he appears to be a powerlifting coach. If this is the case, then it is reasonable to not think 5/3/1 is optimal. It was designed by a guy who was quitting powerlifting, and wanted a program that would make him strong and athletic (he already had the size).

I have a feeling Jim Wendler is a lot stronger than this guy. Fwiw.


Idk I feel like 5/3/1 is underkill no? Unless my guy is flirting with a 400 wilks he almost certainly can make much faster progress on an intermediate program like madcow or texas method

It depends. In a powerlifting context, yeah maybe. In a “I want to have good strength, endurance, and mobility” probably not because if you read 5/3/1 it’s more of a complete system, not just a go in a do “5x5 @ 80%” type of program

There’s no conflict with any of those things in a good intermediate program* and if anything at his level strength will be the limiting factor for a lot of things he will care about. 5/3/1 is just a more advanced program with longer blocks that progress slower.

These programs together with an LP got me up to a 365 wilks in about 7 months while improving my sprint speeds. I did a lot of things wrong and I can confidently say that if I had the chance to do it all over again I could have been stronger substantially faster. Respectfully, unless OP was squatting 5 plate I don’t see 5/3/1 being an appropriate stepping off point.

*(glossing over the fact that endurance training will raise your lactate threshold and handicap you in most sports you’re likely to play as someone who lifts any weight)

To be fair, I read that has Texas method and madcow being the programs in question

Yes but also recovery demands are less because of the slower and more stable progression

It all depends. On his profile he sounded like he boxed and wanted to get stronger for that sport. There hasn’t been many boxers squatting 5 plates and there’s probably a reason for that

Boxers don’t squat 5 plate? I would be shocked, the implication would be that they’re not power cleaning much over 3 plate in a sport that values explosive movement.