I do strength training first then bodybuilding exercises.
For strength - i’ve been doing the 5x5 method only doing MEDIUM and HEAVY days not LIGHT from this article above^ But i’ll eventually after 1 month move onto 4x4 then next month 3x3, test 1rm, then start again from 5x5.
For muscle building - using PPL split to build muscle and recover having 48-72 hours of rest. Here’s my workout plan:
Pull - Deadlifts (MEDIUM)
Push - Bench Press(HEAVY) + Military press(MEDIUM)
Legs - Squats (MEDIUM)
Rest Day - depending if i need it
Pull - Deadlifts (HEAVY)
Push - Bench(MEDIUM) + Military press (HEAVY)
Legs - Squats (HEAVY)
Rest Day - depending if i need it
My goal is to build size + good strength of my 1RM, but i also want athleticism for boxing, is this the most optimal way to do it?
You can try it. Doing heavy and medium may overtax you. Then you will end up taking a week of to recover. (Deload). Not a big deal. Keep notes and you will find the ideal for your recovery.
I like to do 1x5 on deads like rippetoe.
I also like pairing chins with press, rows woth bench, and LOVE heavy squats right before deads. Puts me in the mood to pull the weights to the sky