I’ve read of people taking 20. I’ve been taking six per day for the past 4 months. Lets say were talking about the caps with 1000mg concentrated fish oil with 300mg omega-3 fatty acid. The costco original.
I pop between 12-15 Flameouts a day. My joints have taken a serious beating over the years and not only does this make them feel better, but it helps me keep a chronic inflammation issue with my right arm in check.
Stu, I’ve never looked at the description of Flameout or knew it was equivalent to fish oil. Thanks for the info.
12-15 FLAMEOUTS A DAY!? Are you nuts Stu? lol How much money do you spend on that damn fish oil lol.
Mmmm I only take 4-5 Flameout capsules a day…being above 200lbs though, and training every single day maybe I should re-think the amount I take. I mean I do have build up inflammation in my left arm at the moment.
But 12-15! shit I can’t beleive it lol
I take 1000mg caps also and try to put down 8-10 per day, and that isn’t anything out of control. Some people go upwards of 20, it just depends on your goals and how your body tolerates it.
I currently take 10 1000mg caps per day. My joints feel great compared to 1 year ago and my lipid profile has never been better. Thought about going higher but I have already gotten all I can ask for out of the supplement.
When I first learned of Fish Oil a decade ago I was taking 2 Tablespoons a day.
When I started buying Fish Oil capsules I was taking 50 capsules a day (Standard 1000mg capsules).
Now, I take about 8-12 Flameout capsules a day depending.
I used to pop 1 Flameout + 3-5 vitamin shop brand capsules with every feeding, but even though it was an attempt at stretching my supplement dollar, I found that the Flameouts are just that much more concentrated. I’m certainly not going to be popping 20-30 a day or anything, but I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t feel a noticeable difference.
When I first had the issue with my right forearm, I was seeing a Physical Therapist, doing all sorts of exercises, getting ultra sound, muscle stim,… even went through the MRI’s to see what the hell was going on, and a pretty respectable orthopedic surgeon was baffled at why I was suffering chronic inflammation. Well, long story short, now the Therapist pops Flameouts every day for his own issues -lol.
and do you just take them at each meal?
12-15/day holy shit.
I double dosed briefly at 6/day but that got quite costly.
I take 4/day
[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
I pop between 12-15 Flameouts a day. My joints have taken a serious beating over the years and not only does this make them feel better, but it helps me keep a chronic inflammation issue with my right arm in check.
Tim gave you a nice care package, huh?
12 a day for a month is 4x$27/mo. 15 a day is 5x$27/mo.
I know you said you don’t make that much money, so i can’t imagine that is your regular, out-of-pocket supplement allowance for just fish oil.
I personally don’t see a reason to take more than 10g a day (regular caps, which would be roughly 4-6 Flameout caps a day). But if more fish oil makes your joints feel better, that’s great.
And the Dan John recommendation to take as many caps until you shit oil, then “back off by a capsule” is pretty stupid if you ask me. Why do so many coaches flex their nutritional bro-science nuts to express their hard on for mega dosing protocols?
I always try to scale back a bit when I can, but when my arm acts up, I need to really up 'em for a bit. I remember when I was away for a few days, and my arm just got really bad, and I was trying to get away with 3-4 a day. I actually logged onto the Biotest store on my cel phone and ordered 3 bottles so that they’d be waiting for me when I got home. The Curcumin 500 helps a bit too, but when I was only taking 4, I didn’t feel it as much, then hearing how many Thibs, and Tate are popping, I upped it to 6 and noticed a difference as well.
I rationalize it this way,… I’m almost 37, I’ve been training since I was 20, and I plan on training for a long long time. If that means that I have to pop a few pills and suck up a little extra expense, so be it (I don’t smoke, or drink, and really don’t have any expensive hobbies).
I read a thing from lyle mcdonald citing some studies that shows that blood concentrations of omega 3s tended to max out at around 10g (10 regular caps) a day, and he tended to recommend between 6-10. A more concentrated cap like Flameout would of course get you farther. Unless you’re eating salmon.
And if you’re Stu, you’re apparantly an orca or something
Pfff. I easily take 30-35 caps daily, esp. when dieting down.
Don’t you people know that you need good fat to produce TEST! Effect-wise, I would argue that getting a decent amout of flamout/fish oil in your diet will raise T levels significantly. I have no proof, but i just feel it.
And you can forget about burning any subcutaneous fat without ingesting a substantial amount of good fats.
[quote]EasyRhino wrote:
And if you’re Stu, you’re apparantly an orca or something :)[/quote]
Lol,… ya’ know,… that reminds me of a little joke Nate Green shared with us when we were training with CT in Colorado (hope this reads well being read instead of being told)…
Two Whales are sitting in a bar,… the first one looks over to the second and says…
‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo’ (imagine stereotypical whale noises)
The second one looks over at the first one and shaking his head says ‘Dude, you are seriously f-cked up’
(If you don’t like it, blame Nate, it’s his -lol)
LOL you should have seen my family looking at me trying to make those sounds. :[
I’ve been taking Flameout since its inception. I take 4 caps in two daily doses while I currently weigh ~200. When I’ve been at higher weights (210-230lbs) I had to bump my Flameout up to 6 caps to notice the same effect.
I eat 2-4 omega eggs and a small handful of walnuts every damn day, and eat very clean in general. I also add liberal amounts of tumeric to all of my meat to aid in inflammation suppression. I am 30y/o and have been doing sports and lifting all of my life so joint health is a concern of mine.
[quote]Sarev0k wrote:
LOL you should have seen my family looking at me trying to make those sounds. :[[/quote]
Well I’m hoping my spelling was correct, Nate told it so well -lol
Those of you who are megadosing fish oil you really should do some more reading, because it can be risky.
Suppressing biomarkers of immune response, increasing bleeding time and oxidative damage isn’t a joke.
Here’s a study that shows fish oil dosed at 720 mg fish oil (4 grams fat - contained in 9 capsules - per day) had negative effects on immunity.
Dietary supplementation with eicosapentaenoic acid, but not with other long-chain n-3 or n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreases natural killer cell activity in healthy subjects aged >55 y. Thies F, Nebe-von-Caron G, Powell JR, Yaqoob P, Newsholme EA, Calder PC. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001 Mar;73(3):539-48. PMID: 11237929; article at: http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/full/73/3/539
[quote]snorkelman wrote:
Those of you who are megadosing fish oil you really should do some more reading, because it can be risky.
Suppressing biomarkers of immune response, increasing bleeding time and oxidative damage isn’t a joke.
Here’s a study that shows fish oil dosed at 720 mg fish oil (4 grams fat - contained in 9 capsules - per day) had negative effects on immunity.
Dietary supplementation with eicosapentaenoic acid, but not with other long-chain n-3 or n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreases natural killer cell activity in healthy subjects aged >55 y. Thies F, Nebe-von-Caron G, Powell JR, Yaqoob P, Newsholme EA, Calder PC. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001 Mar;73(3):539-48. PMID: 11237929; article at: http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/full/73/3/539
It’s an interesting read, but I’m responding very well to the dosage. If you think about it, 30
g of fish oil is equivalent to the fat content in 2 portions of salmon.
As far as the dosage goes though, My joints are functioning so much better, I’m never sick, and my recovery time is so much lower.