I was thinking about incorporating wave/ladder loading into my training. Here is a sample of my proposed program, in very broad strokes (I’ve been lifting for years, but pretty new to programming):
Deadlifts (wave ladder loading, based on max of 525)
Military Press or incline (wave ladder loading, based on maxes of 225 and 300 respectively)
Followed by as many reps as possible with 80% of my max
Follow with some accessory work for my back and arms if I have time. Just trying to get volume in at this point
Back Squats with pause (just started training these a few weeks ago,I don’t have a solid max to work off here, so might try that this week and then start wave/ladder loading this as well. Havent maxed out on squats in general in a while. My guess is in the mid 400s but no real idea. Havent gone over 315 for set of 4 paused below parallel) Could follow with 30 reps at 80% as fast as possible, ab work and lower back extensions to follow. Or could do good mornings, which I love.
high pulls (was considering staying with layer system with this, based on max of 305 last workout off pins)
Would follow this with 3 sets of rows. Not sure of loading (wave/ladder too much?) No other work this day.
I also do 100 pull aparts and a few sets of pullups every day to get some more back volume in. My main goal is strength, even though I’m not training for a competition, with size as a secondary goal/happy side effect.
- What do you guys think of the program?
- Any suggestions?
- what would you suggest for added volume work on the deadlift day? 30 reps as quick as possible, maybe with a deadlift variation replacing standard?
- Following up on the previous question, do you think this workout (with heavy deads, rows, and squats and potentially volume sets for deads and good mornings) would overwork my lower back?
- Thanks!
I think you’re pretty damn strong. Maybe we should be asking YOU questions about how you got to where you are at.
@ JBballs:
What’s up JB. Yeah you are looking kinda small. Haha! Don’t worry I’ll throw up a new shirtless naked selfy, coming soon to a theater near you.
[quote]jbalplayr02 wrote:
I think you’re pretty damn strong. Maybe we should be asking YOU questions about how you got to where you are at.[/quote]
Thanks bro. I’ve worked hard, but somewhat aimlessly, for a long time now, and have avoided injuries , knock on wood, for the past 7 years.
Reading some old articles, I think I’ve been doing the Chinese pulls, without realizing for high pulls. I think I have some room for improvement in terms of getting more explosion out of the bottom.
I’ve found doing front squats for my density work has helped to keep my lower back semi-fresh. I suck at those too so probably a good idea to work on them. Even with straps I don’t feel too comfortable handling a ton of weight this way.
[quote]lotsi81 wrote:
I was thinking about incorporating wave/ladder loading into my training. Here is a sample of my proposed program, in very broad strokes (I’ve been lifting for years, but pretty new to programming):
Deadlifts (wave ladder loading, based on max of 525)
Military Press or incline (wave ladder loading, based on maxes of 225 and 300 respectively)
Followed by as many reps as possible with 80% of my max
Follow with some accessory work for my back and arms if I have time. Just trying to get volume in at this point
Back Squats with pause (just started training these a few weeks ago,I don’t have a solid max to work off here, so might try that this week and then start wave/ladder loading this as well. Havent maxed out on squats in general in a while. My guess is in the mid 400s but no real idea. Havent gone over 315 for set of 4 paused below parallel) Could follow with 30 reps at 80% as fast as possible, ab work and lower back extensions to follow. Or could do good mornings, which I love.
high pulls (was considering staying with layer system with this, based on max of 305 last workout off pins)
Would follow this with 3 sets of rows. Not sure of loading (wave/ladder too much?) No other work this day.
I also do 100 pull aparts and a few sets of pullups every day to get some more back volume in. My main goal is strength, even though I’m not training for a competition, with size as a secondary goal/happy side effect.
- What do you guys think of the program?
- Any suggestions?
- what would you suggest for added volume work on the deadlift day? 30 reps as quick as possible, maybe with a deadlift variation replacing standard?
- Following up on the previous question, do you think this workout (with heavy deads, rows, and squats and potentially volume sets for deads and good mornings) would overwork my lower back?
- Thanks![/quote]
So far the lower back has held up. I don’t do any barbell rows, which has helped. I follow my back squats with front squats for my density sets and my conventional deads with sumo deads for density. Takes a little extra warmup time, but protects my back.