I didn’t use the search function because the question relates to something to do with my exact program.
I am currently doing a type of functional training, high intensity multi compound progam, and wonder if because I have been succeeding at it for a while now, if it is likely I could (if my technique was good) pick up and slam another man up to let’s say 230lbs.
the program is:
Monday - Friday
Warmup for several minutes with shadowboxing or rope skipping.
Take a 100lb boxing heavy bag as an off chain workout.
Stand it up, go down on the right knee, right hand underneath the bag, tip it onto the left shoulder and drive up with the left leg until standing. Then run a few steps with the bag, drop it and land on it, then ground and pound it. 30 second later stand it up, and do the same with the opposite side, that is onto the right shoulder and drive up with the right leg.
Over the course of 9 minutes that is 18 pickups and slams, with in between ground and pound to keep the heart going and do a little up body work. Also, the pickups and carries to take it out back and after back in the house.
aerobics; skip rope for 3 minutes, drop and do 10 pushups, 10 situps and 10 body weight squats. Pick up the rope and do it all again, and ideally a third cycle.
This is a perfect setup for me as a 50 year old man, more of a less is more approach.
I am please asking for opinions without getting first committed to trying it.
100% depends on the skill and resistance of your specifically weighted mystery man.
If you are picking up an unresponsive human in that weight range and spiking them into the ground, that seems excessive. Not your program, but your use of force.
I can pretty easily pick up my 220 lb training partner, but I usually don’t try to pick him up unless it’s a scenario where it wouldn’t be too difficult to pick him up.
Jujitsu, wrestling, or judo classes could help tell you about your potential abilities.
If you’re asking “does my training suggest I’m capable of picking up and slamming a 230lb guy” I’d say maybe.
18x100lb slams is quite a bit. But 100lbs is less than 50% of your target.
Id say heavy deadlift are the best example of being able to pick up and manhandled people. But it ignores the fact that opposition will not let you do this and they will off balance you etc.
Do judo for a year. I’m a 220lb guy with 3 years bjj experience and I was upended by a 16 year old girl. There really is no substitute for skill.
I will go ahead and suggest that training in this way is unlikely to produce your intended result or reliably being able to pick up a 230 lb man and slam him.
If you’re looking to slam the slowest, drunkest, least athletic 230 pounders out there or maybe slam guys who park in the handicapped spaces, this might work well.
I think any mildly athletic, untrained 230 pounder with decent balance will be a lot harder for you to pick up and slam than you’re imagining.
A 180 lb former high school wrestler who is your age will likely be putting you down.
Like others have said, train the skill if you want to acquire it.
If you want to slam men, you need to get your butt out on the streets and just slam the shit out of every man you see, all day, every day. Begin near vegan establishments, and work your way towards fast food chains.
Reading through, I can not help but wonder if you have a specific man in mind when you ask that question. Is this a case of “I wonder my abilities” or is this a case of “That SOB Rick has stolen my girl one too many times…”
Either way, as a guy who has slammed a decent amount of 195lb guys at a fairly competitive level of wrestling, and now a little BJJ, I don’t think lifting weights really matters. Of course, you need to have the strength basis necessary to lift the weight, but that is just the start. Find a nice BJJ, wrestling, MMA, or other type of grappling gym, and just go grapple. If you haven’t had experience, it will be amazingly humbling at first, and you will realize quickly that to manhandle someone, their body positioning and movement matters just as much as their weight. (okay, I do not have some formula showing them exactly to be equal, but they are both big factors, don’t kill me on the math)
Slamming a grown man is a little more complicated than just being able to pick him off the ground. A person will try to land on their feet, sprawl when you attempt the pick up, strangle you if your neck is exposed and you’re off balance, etc. A boxing bag doesn’t do any of those things.
As an example take a look at one actual technique for this.
As you can see the lift does not take a ton of strength because of how high you are lifting from versus a conventional deadlift. However there are a number of other details to the technique to ensure a safe entry and to make sure you can clear both legs so you can slam him flat.
Even this one technique is not enough for general people slamming abilities (it is not ideal for shorter opponents for instance) and you would ideally learn a comprehensive game plan from a good wrestling, judo, BJJ, or sambo school
As to the other post, I do have one or two people in mind, also general purpose. I am stuck in a situation now that i am not buying a membership anywhere in the near term. I have been a member of an MMA gym a few years ago where I did some kickboxing training. My grappling I did in Grade 10 regular physical education as wrestling. Yes, that was a little a long time ago. I did well for as much as it was, and have glimmers of memory of some of the moves.
This is one of the stranger threads I’ve encountered in the combat forum. I’m not sure you have a realistic perspective on what it takes to succeed when struggling against another person.
At your age I’d probably suggest judo if you want to put other grown men on the ground reliably.
I’m lucky enough to train with BJJ guys who heavily incorporate judo and wrestling, so if you can find a jiu jitsu school like that it would be a good bet too. I’ve never trained pure wrestling or sambo, but these are other disciplines that involve takedowns and throws. If you have access to them, they would also be a good bet.
If shelling out money for training is out of the question, you’d probably be best served finding a training partner who will let you practice on him with resistance. I’m not sure where you find these people outside of martial arts circles, but maybe you’ve got a cousin or a friend who owes you a favor.
As a bouncer I’ve picked a few people up with nothing but brute strength, but these were also extremely drunk people generally incapable of responding in any meaningful way, let alone defending themselves with any level of athleticism and sound technique. I suppose I could have slammed them, but my modus operandi involves setting them down gently once they’re outside.
If nothing else, showing up to some kind of martial arts school will give you a basic idea of how capable you are. You’ll find people who are game to let you try your stuff, just don’t get butt-hurt if you get lit up in the process.
My jiu jitsu instructor likes to remind people that you’re either starting from a bad position or committing assault. Exceptions apply for LEO and security work, but even then it can still be true.
But hey, OP is a grown man and if thoughts of revenge by bodyslam are what gets him into the gym, more power to him.
In you drill your heavy bag/opponent is standing straight up. It’s easy to drive your hips in and up at that angle.
In reality if you try to scoop a dude he will force his hips back away from you and extend you, pulling your upper body in front of your hips while driving your head down. It will take more effort to pull his hips towards you, get your head up, and drive your hips in.
Obviously you can’t recreate this effect with your bag but you could try lifting it like this, making it harder/changing leverage.
Or hold it like this dude holds the barbell and bend over with it.
i like the thread because it’s a natural fusion of MA, lifting (what this place is kinda about) and bollox.
IF (big if) you want to be able to slam people, you need a better program (deads and esp. power cleans, and also more specific stuff like one armed upright rows) as well as technique. You need to be able to chain at least two or three possible outcomes together.
However, slamming someone onto the pavement is more or less a deadly attack. You’re no different from the guy who only trains eyepokes. If you’re strong enough to bully most guys already, learn to setup a bulldog choke which works elegantly against weaker amateurs. Higher rate of success wit more nonlethal options.
Thank you fellow oldtimer.
As you perhaps might still recall I’d prefer the low kick to end confrontations. Nothing better to end a fight after seeing the ego knocked out of some low life after one or two well placed friendly shinshakes. It’s similar to getting exhausted. Somehow, this thrilling feeling of righteous invincibility seems gone.
But that’s just me.
With your background in wrestling, escalating a fight through a slam might be it. I never managed to pick up guys my weightclass consistently. (Reaps were my bread n butter for taking guys down) . But then, I never wrestled in HS.
Keep slamming those sandbags!