Thought i’d make a log to keep track of my progress and some of the more experience guys can critique and give me tips. Ill post videos once and a while.I started boxing about a month ago. At the moment im doing 4-5 times a week and weightlifting 3 times a week with a focus on performance.
This is what i do at the weight lifting gym today:
Bench Press(ramping up to a 3-5 rep max)
bar x 108
65 x 5
95 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 3(i did 4 but my spotter touched so i wont count it)
Explosive Pushups
3 x failure . consentrating on exploding up as hard as i can .
Cable Russian Twist- explosive with these
35 x 8
35 x 8
40 x 8
50 x 8
Rear Delt Fly Machine 3 x 15
Pushdowns 3 x 15 super set Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Since you are doing boxing 4-5 times per week and are lifting for performance, I would recommend dropping a few exercises such as the rear delt fly machine. Instead of pushdowns, do pull-ups.
Also, most find enough room for strength gain and recovery if they lift 2 times per week. Do you squat, deadlift, and overhead press? Are you boxing for self-defense or competition?
[quote]precisionxy wrote:
Since you are doing boxing 4-5 times per week and are lifting for performance, I would recommend dropping a few exercises such as the rear delt fly machine. Instead of pushdowns, do pull-ups.
Also, most find enough room for strength gain and recovery if they lift 2 times per week. Do you squat, deadlift, and overhead press? Are you boxing for self-defense or competition?[/quote]
Yeah the main biglifts im concentrating on are Bench Press,Squat, and the One Arm Landmine Push Press.I would add deadlifts but they bother my lower back after a while. 3 Days doesn’t seem to interfere with my recovery as im eating a ton.
I’m also trying to add weight too. At the moment im weighing 163 and want to get up to around 170-172 by the end of the year thats why i added little bit more exercises to induce some muscle growth. I’m boxing with the intent of competing.
Did conditioning today.
2 rounds jump rope for warm up
3 Mile Run with 6 sprints in between .
2 Rounds of the heavy bag with (3 minutes/30 second rest)
2 rounds double end bag(3 minutes/30 second rest)
then did some speed bag work.