In the past you have recommended a 2:1 pull:push ratio. Based on your newer assistance recommendations of picking 1 exercise from each category, your programs will now have people doing more pushing overall. What is the reason for this change?
I don’t think it matters that much. You push and you pull and squat and run and jump. Plus the pushing and pulling has a lot of options - our list of movements is pretty big so you can do what you need.
In the end, and this is be growing up, so to speak - as long as you’re tuggin’ the rest is shit that distracts you from the big stuff.
Could you give a top 5-10 from each category to help with programming? I’m guessing some of the exercises overlap categories.
Step One) Read the book
Step Two) See lists on lists of assistance work
Step Three) Profit for life
I’ve read the books. I’ve seen many lists of assistance work. I know hundreds of exercises that haven’t even made Jim’s lists. I wanted to see how he fits exercises into the 3 categories and gets the most bang for his buck. For example rope chin ups are a pulling exercise, but they also work the core and grip.
If there is an exercise that hasn’t made it into one of his books its safe to say that it wouldn’t make his top 10. He gives dozens of different assistance templates and programs in the books and does pretty much exactly what you are asking him to do now several times over. If you want to do rope chin ups, do them.
I recall that in one of the books he lumps different chin-up versions in together and advocates switching up grips, etc…
It seems tedious to write every single type of “up” or “row” or “press”. It is assistance stuff.
“Just tug on something and you’ll be okay.”
Just do your main movement, a supplemental movement and assistance. Do your pulling work in between. And if you’re concerned with fitting it into three exercises do your main, supplemental and a row/pull. Do pull ups, face pulls, rear delt flies, band pull aparts, karwoski shrugs, regular shrugs, db rows, etc in between your working main and supplemental exercises and just try and get in reps. Its It’s fairly simple. Not being rude, just stating the obvious
The complete list will be in the new book, along with total reps for each of the 70+ programs (not templates). The big thing I stress is common sense and personal responsibility in regards to what exercises you pick. For example: the more volume/work you do on the main lifts and supplemental lifts, the less stressful movements you do for assistance. The opposite also is true.