[quote]countingbeans wrote:
What argument am I (obviously not anymore) backing out of? What points am I dancing around? Are we reading the same thread?
You feel, as a faceless coward, it is okay to bash others. I don’t feel you should be able to do so, so I spoke up. (And for someone that supposedly knows my post history, you would know I use fuck more often than a preacher uses Jesus. So fail on the upset point. I use fuck when I’m fucking happy too…)
Then you made some ignorant remarks, and this just stopped being fun…
Dude your posts scream “I’m too good for this place and you losers.” So why continue? You trolled this thread, I reacted, as usual, and now you have what you want… So go away already and be superior elsewhere.
You failed to answer a couple points I queried you on. For instance I asked you what was so comical about scooby’s training age.
Funny thing is, I replied to this thread b/c I thought the bashing on scooby was one sided, which he certainly doesn’t deserve. Here we have a bunch of posters tearing down a nice guy, who’s older and still looks great for his age behind his back, so tell me who are the cowards?
I’m not bashing anyone’s physique here, so why do you care if I have a pic to validate myself with? Even if I were bashing physiques it wouldn’t matter anyway. Most of the people replying, including yourself don’t look as good as him anyway, so with your logic, none of them should be commenting on him or his video.
Don’t flatter yourself, I don’t follow all your posts, I was basing the judgement I made above on your previous posts in this thread where you were dropping f bombs my way and calling scooby a little bitch.
Why do I continue, same reason anyone else would. You initiated an argument with me, so obviously I’m going to reply back to it. Pretty simple isn’t it.