Hey C_C just lookin for your critique on my BB form. Of course all other critique is appreciated, but just tryin to catch C_C’s eye on this one.
Not sure if I mentioned it, I haven’t trained for 3 months…due to being out of the country, and well my shoulder has been really buggin me. I didn’t squat cause it was hurtin me, and I did no pressing obviosuly.
My shoulder feels a lot better going to the physio, and well…he is mostly stretching things out for me. I find the face pulls seem to be helping and stretching. Also before this I was neglecting pulling work, so it is time to strap down.
I am really looking to improve my retracting strength.
Lats can be worked with other exercises…
Just post it in BOI or in the setup and execution thread in the cell when you’re ready.
(helps if I can see your back, obviously… If you really want proper critique, then 1 vid from the side 1 from “above” or at an angle from above-ish would be useful, if that’s possible, and shirt off or muscle-shirt so I can see what your shoulder blades are doing).
Obvously i’m not CC, but we’ve spoken before and I think i’m a few months on from you, same kind of issues, same injury.
Tips: Before my warmup sets (i believe they are called ‘ramps’ now) I make sure I do a few circuits of 12-15 reps each of a) Ts, b) Ps and c) scap wall slides. (Check out tumminello for the ‘Ps’) I make sure I get a strong contraction for each, and approx 2-3-2 tempo (hold the contraction). Must be quality, no momentum.
Then I just move straight onto my warmup sets, and find this activation circuit really helps me feel the midback musculature.
As far as BB row form, it’s easy, I deadlift for the first pull, then just row to bellybutton, ‘pull my elbows apart’, using that good mind-muscle connection, hold the contraction for a second, then lower under control. Though i’ll let vets give their opinion too
hey dannyrat, this is true! my shoulder has been doing much better and I’ve incorporated Tumminello’s new improved YTWL. The BIKE face pulls helped a lot as well…now that my shoulder is feeling better (still doing no pressing work or boxing though) because it is not 100% better, there is still some lingering there and I don’t want to push it.
Just wanna make sure I am doing my pulling right because I know I was elevating my scapula which I think is wrong.
Hey C_C these are the vids couldnt upload it on here - weight is 205lbs, done after heavy squats and some assistance so I was a bit tired but this is more or less how I’ve been doing them (there are 2 seperate ones as well where one I lean over more)
Lastly - was wondering what I should be going for when BB rowing, really concentrating on retracting the scapula and having my shoulders DOWN…not elevated correct?
Also after looking at that I have a question on the bench press - I think attributing to my shoulder pain is how I bench pressed, which is WRONG as well…even though hitting a 390lbs bench at 200lbs.
I was always elevating my scapula so I can have my weight on the traps…I think the part with my elevating the scapula though while benchign is wrong, and I should be retracted and keep my scapula DEPRESSED. Correct?
As well I find it hard though to keep it depressed downwards and retracted…I was watching Dave Tate’s bench press video and saw that he said it doesn’t have to be overly together (shoulder blades) but needs to be tight. I’m at a bit of confusion here.
I’ve been doing them more as an upright row with flared elbow, keeping my range of motion from my belly button to my chin. Really hits the outer delt and traps. I like them, but will wait for clarification on form.
Braunbeck, rasturai is talking about bent-over rows, not upright rows
Rasturai, there’s more than one right way for the bench setup… You have to try both (retracted to the max and pulled down and higher on the traps and somewhat less retracted) and see which you prefer… I’ll go with retracted to the max and slightly less arch. Found that I’m not really stable with the super-high-on-the-traps setup, and it doesn’t feel that grand on the shoulders… But then again, nobody has ever shown me how to do that one properly. I may have just been doing it wrong…
I also bench close, so that may further affect things.
As for the BB rows, hmm. Can’t really see what your shoulder blades are doing, but so far execution looks ok-ish.
You do seem to do a bit of a partial reverse curl though as you pull up, try keeping your forearms more perpendicular to the ground, i.e. in your case the bar would nearly slide up the leg rather than stay in front. So it won’t go straight up, but travel at an angle, hitting you at a point lower on the stomach.
I bench close as well…it’s just before it wasn’t that I was on my traps using a big arch…I don’t have a big arch I was just elevating my scapula…so instead of pulling the scapula down and retracting…I was pulling it up and retracting…while having not a big arch…I think that’s what affected me as well…maybe, maybe not.
Okay so defianetly gotta fix that form on the BB row to get the most outta it…I will show a NEW vid, with the scapula with shirt off to show whats goin on there…and just do you think I should bend over more, or just pull more to the stomach?
Besides that, I’ll send a video! Thanks a lot C_C - I just did seated rows today as well first time ever on a machine, they felt great. I’ll try to get a vid of that, but it’s in a public gym…I haven’t been in a gym other than my basement in a LONG LONG time.
My fault, I was so eager to see the upright row I got tunnel vision.
Anyway I used to do a version of that, but it was reverse grip like Yates did and worked pretty well.
If you want some input on bench, I used to do a metal militia style setup without tucking my feet. I would crawl under the bar, put my feet on the end of the bench, pull my upper body off the bench and roll my shoulder back like a shrug and pull them to together at the same time and then plant myself back on the bench in a really tight position. I would then pull my feet off and set them wide and out in front of me leaving enough room to be able to push back on my feet for the drive. The wider you place your feet the less you have to worry about your ass coming off.
Maybe that explanation can provide a visual. I used to have a video, but can’t find it anymore. Kinda a hybrid of MM and WSB.