Dealing with Calluses?


What’s you take on how to handle calluses?

Leave them alone and be proud of the pads of toughened skin… even more proud when you rip up your lady’s tights etc :stuck_out_tongue:

Or do they need managing? If so, simply cutting/filing down to minimise the risk of them getting ripped off?

The past 6 months has seen a few new calluses arrive on my hands, due to the high pulls mainly, and I had one split open on my palm the other day which was quite nasty.

Thanks mate

Hi, I’m not CT, but what I do is take a pumice stone to my hands at the end of my shower when my hands are nice & wet & softest, mainly because I don’t want them to tear. I hope that helps you as much as it does me.

[quote]sput79 wrote:
Hi, I’m not CT, but what I do is take a pumice stone to my hands at the end of my shower when my hands are nice & wet & softest, mainly because I don’t want them to tear. I hope that helps you as much as it does me. [/quote]
I agree that is the technique we are taught in the kettlebell world also you will want to usea moisturizer to make sure your skin is not too tight. Also of coures there is the issue of technique.

Looking foreword to what CT’s says but pretty much agree to what others have said.I use a pumice stone when my hands are dry though during the day, just give them a sand down.Also lotion as well.My hands are very dry during the winter months in michigan but come summer time i can ease back on the lotion a bit.I feel ya health4ni,when they split they can be a pain for sure.I just sand them down and lube them up.

I used the razor blade trick mentioned on here since mine were so bad at first. I really tore them up my first few high pull sessions. Now I just use some fine sand paper and moisturize and it keeps them in decent shape. I have to add chalk to my workouts as well which keeps my hands from slipping and really tearing skin off (especially with the deadsquat bar!)

I’ve found that baby oil gel keeps mine moisturized the best or vasoline before bed at night.

[quote]sput79 wrote:
Hi, I’m not CT, but what I do is take a pumice stone to my hands at the end of my shower when my hands are nice & wet & softest, mainly because I don’t want them to tear. I hope that helps you as much as it does me. [/quote]

That is exactly right. The worst thing that can happen is tearing a calluse, that will basically ruin your pulling workouts for a week.

I did something strange my last snatch grip high pull session with bands, I somehow created a blood blister under an existing callous. It hasn’t effected my lifting but it sure looks strange. I think it came from a possible pinch by my straps but I’m not sure as I didn’t feel anything amiss. I use liquid lanolin for my callouses when they get too big.

I had a blood blister pop open a few weeks ago but the skin healed fast enough where it didnt really interfere with me doing anything.

Field, I did snatch grip high pulls today and the blister is still there under the callous. Didn’t effect my workout at all, in fact I set a PR in the 3 RM high pull.

I also found myself developing new calluses when I started with high-pulls. They’re finally leveling out (some mild tearing in the beginning). I’d echo what everyone has said regarding pumice stones, sand paper (I use a rough emery board I stole from my girlfriend) and lotion.

If you are unfortunate enough to tear one off, get in their with a pair of small, sharp, clean scissors and trim away all he ragged and excess skin. Disinfect it and get it covered with a good antibacterial ointment (eg. Neosporin) and bandage of some kind. Clean and change the dressing, making sure to let it air out a bit. I’m always surprised how quickly they can heal and I can get back to work if treated properly.

Thanks Chaps. It’s as I suspected; I simply need to do some maintenance on the calluses.

Having played tennis at a fairly high level when a teenager and lifting weights and playing basketball, my hands have always had calluses and I’ve luckily never needed to manage them. But the High Pulls twice a week have changed that now.

I use organic virgin coconut oil on my hands and it is an awesome moisturiser; pure with no nasties (like mineral oils in Baby Oil for example) in it. It’s great on the entire body btw… even your head hair.