[quote]Bricknyce wrote:
Bricknyce wrote:
Ramo wrote:
maraudermeat wrote:
So far you have had many people shoot in the dark at what your problem is. But no one has mentioned form as an issue. If you are weak off the chest you may have poor set up. You may be flairing your arms. You may not be staying tight in the bottom. There are a host of problems besides a muscle weakness.
Post a video of yourself benching from the front and the side. That will shed some light on the problem.
I’m not sure about being able to get a vid up anytime soon…I’ll try.
But Meat, like you suggested, my set-up is not good, I don’t really understand leg drive, or at least I can’t do it, I can’t stay tight at the bottom w/ heavier weights, my elbows flare out on the way down and I don’t feel like I have good eccentric control of the bar.
I can knock off a couple strict standing military presses w/ 225, but I can only bench about 315 on a good day. I’m much stronger off a 2-board, I can hit at least 4 good paused reps off a 2-board w/ my max bench.
In addition to what I wrote above, I believe if your elbows flare out when benching, then you are simply not jacked enough. Your elbows flare out if your lats and triceps are weak. The less jacked you are, the less stability you have. I think leg drive is pretty simple to understand. Setup properly and throughout the entire lift, press into the floor with your feet. There are several articles on proper bench press technique on www.elitefts.com and www.metalmilitia.net. Or better yet, buy a good instructional video or attend a seminar by Elite Fitness or Metal Militia. Or BEST yet, go to a powerlifting gym and learn from guys who know what they are doing on a day to day basis. You must pull your shoulder blades together when benching and press your head into the bench as you press.
Breathing is important too. You must hold your air for the entire lift. Before beginning the lift, take a large breath of air using your STOMACH (not your chest) and hold your air until you are DONE with the lift, NOT as you are COMPLETING the lift. Also, if your elbows flare, well, make a conscious decision to not let them flare out. This helps too. But it really is most likely weak tris and lack of upper back and lat mass.
I went to a Metal Militia Bench Press seminar and it was awesome. You want your technique corrected, see Sebastian Burns or Bill Crawford if they come to a town near you. I also have attended seminars by DeFranco and Jim Wendler. I also attend a PL gym. This is REALLY the way to learn.
In addition, if anyone thinks that being jacked does not matter, just look at the all time best benchers and you will see they have huge lats, shoulders, traps, and tris.
As you can see from this photo of one of the baddest bench pressing SOBs, Glen Chabot, you need thick traps, shoulders, and lats to bench properly. [/quote]