Alright, I’m 19 and I’ve been lifting since a couple months before I turned 15. I’m 6’3", 275 but I carry the weight decently well and I have a really big barreled chest. I consider myself an all-around strong guy, and when I played football in high school I had good field strength.
The only lift I’ve EVER had a problem with, the only lift I could never excell at no matter how much effort I put in (and it was a whole damned lot) was the flat bench press. Now man I’m big, I’m not saying that to be conceited because believe me I’m far from it, but the reaction I get from people when they first meet me, and a lot of them are weightlifters too, is “Damn, you’re huge.”
Not like bodybuilder but my over all build. People see my chest as big as it is and my decent tris, and seem to never mind my puny shoulders and think immediately I’m a 350 bencher. I look it man, but I’ve never been able to get a double at 225. My biggest single was a pretty easy 230.
It’s the most embarrassing thing in the world to me. I even bought that stupid critcal bench system and I got a hell of a lot stronger in everything, my military press shot up about 10 reps, but my bench started at 225 and ended at a slightly easier 225.
Now my old man was a pretty popular local bodybuilder in Sacramento but the bench was never his thing. 600 on ass to grass squats for reps, 700 deads for reps, 400 barbell rows for reps but never really got past a bench single of a little over 400 (he did get to 500 but his boy Dianabol helped him out).
He told me from the time I was 6 that I wouldn’t be the best bencher in the gym. I understand that but I still want progress you know. My bench ain’t any bigger than it was 2 years ago.
Right now I follow the WS4SB routine an I love it. I fell stronger than I ever have and my 185 bench reps have gone up from somethin’ like 3 to in the double digits. I just maxed out tonight, and couldn’t hit the second rep at 225.
I have weak, small shoulders but when I bench my entire chest feels strong, my tris feel great, my shoulders feel so-so but the biggest weaklink I feel is that spot along the outer edge of your chest right below where the front delt is. That spot right there feels wobbly and weak.
When I bench I don’t do the whole tuck your elbows right next to your lats and bring it to your lower chest thing. I don’t drive with my legs either or lift my butt off the bench. I try to keep the bar right underneath my nipples with my elbows straight up and my pinkies on the rings.
But whenever I try to max out, as soon as I unrack the weight (which I need a lift off on because doin’ it by myself feels very stressful to my shoulders)the first thing my elbows do are fold in and the bar travels down to my upper stomach. That outter pec area just doesn’t seem like it can hold any weight.
Even when I do skull crushers the shit feel wobbly.
I’m sorry this is such a long post and I’m whinin’ like a little ass bitch but I just really want some help and answers man. When I do my reps at 185 I can keep my elbow angle through out, But anything over 200 my elbows shoot right in and the bar takes a completely different plane from what I want.
I started implementing some incline dumbell press, elbows out and I like the feel but I just want some help.