Last Thursday I broke my foot, there’s a fracture in the lisfranc joint. Needless to say, I won’t be doing any squatting or deadlifting for about 6 weeks. If it displaces, it’ll be months.
I’ve been running 5/3/1 for the past year and a half, and I love it. Mostly do the BBB assistance and train 4 days a week with the cardio mixed in.
I guess I’m looking for some advice on structuring my training around this. I’d like to continue running 5/3/1 for my bench and ohp, but I’d like to fill in my other two days somehow. Maybe focus on back and core work and possibly extra upper body work, but I don’t want to over-do it.
This is the first major injury I’ve had, so I’m struggling to come up with a plan that doesn’t look like $hit going into the gym and doing a bunch of machine work.
Thanks for any pointers/suggestions!