Hello all,
My name is Dan. I have been perusing T-Nation for about a year and a half now. I am 18, go to Prep school and I play hockey.
My stats are as follows
weight- 196lbs around 17% bf
Height- 5 9
(all of the following are calculated maxes)
Bench- 245
Squat- 365
Dead- 340 (weak)
My goals are as follows:
Weight ~200lbs or so at 12% bf
bench 265
Squat 400
Dead 400
I would like to acheive this before next season…aka end of November.
My plan is very simple. I try to center around 5 core lifts each day: Dead, Squat, Clean, Bench and Military Press. The auxillary lifts get switched up occasionally depending on how I feel so the true consistency comes from the first lift each day.
Monday: Chest/tris/upperback
Bench 5x6
decline dumbell press
Machine row
(superset x3)
Cable crossover flys
Tri Pulldown
(superset x 3)
Dips (weighted dropsets)
Pullups to failure
(superset x5)
Tuesday: Leg day numero uno
Back squat
5x6 up to 3 rep max
Power cleans
Cable sidestep on both sides
Calf raises
Wed: Cardio/rest
Thursday: Shoulders/Biceps/cardio/abs
standing barbell Military press
Isolated curl (one arm…then abs…then other arm)
Weighted Abs.
(superset 3x8)
Lateral raises prefatigue for
Seated vertical dumbell press
Dumbell row
dumbell front raise
(4x8 superset)
Friday: Legs number 2!
Single leg deadlift with dumbells
5x6 (everyother week this is regular Deads)
Hack squats elevated on 25lb plates
Calf Raises
Hamstring Curls
Leg extensions
Superset 3x8
Saturday:Cardio or rest
Sunday: rest
My diet is solid typically… Once I return to school its near perfect 7 days a week.
Now here are the questions
Is powercleaning and Squatting too much for one day?
Are my goals attainable by november?
Any other lifts I should start to consider for explosivness?
4)Supps other than creatine whey and multivitamins?
5)For footwork, do you think jumprope would be good for a few times a week…at least until late october when I begin to transition to more cardio and agility?
Thanks in advance for your responses…