Hi everyone, I came across this site a while ago through a link posted on another website, the articles posted on here are very informative, but I just thought I’d ask my question straight to you guys since it seems you know alot when it comes to strength training.
A little background on me, I have 2 big passions in my life, and that is weight lifting and boxing, my goal is to help better my performance in boxing, but at the same time be able to lift 2x my bw in squats and deadlifts, and atleast 1.5x my bw in bench press. I don’t care for building muscle or mass, my only concern is raising my pathetic lifts to decent/good lifts & staying lean. I weigh 190 at almost 6 ft.
so far for the past 3 months I’ve been strength training I’ve seen minimal gains, I strength train twice a week, because I’ve heard that’s all I need to make consistent gains. One thing I’ve noticed is when I’m trying to achieve a new PR in weight increases, I end up spending more time trying to max out 3x6 when working out by increasing reps, and normally the only time I’m able to increase the weight is after 4 weeks are up, and that’s is just barely.
Like for instance on my deadlift, I’ve had 2 seperate strength plans this month, with deadlift thrown in one of them. Instead of being able to increase the weight every week, like I wanted to, I found that I was increasing the reps instead, which made me feel like I’m wasting my time and not getting stronger. I finally managed to increase the weight after four weeks by 10 lbs. My bench press on the other hand has barely increased at all, just 5lbs for 3-4 reps.
Also, one mroe thing I want to know, sometimes I’ve noticed I’ll be able to lift a particularly heavy weight one week for lets say the bench press, but then the next week I’ll struggle to lift that weight. What does this mean?? it’s happening quite frequently and it always annoys me.
Sorry for the long rant, I’m just getting very frustrated lately, even though I have the basic knowledge of strength training (1-6 reps, low volume sets) I seem to have trouble applying it correctly into my workouts. Would appreciate if I got some help. Thanks!