Deadlift 355
Box Squat 340
Bench 215
Current Total 910
Extra Stats
Bw - 175
BF - 13%
Height - 5’9
Age - 15
Main objective Earn 1050 Total By grade 12 ,
Reward - Go out and buy 1050 T shirt
Deadlift 355
Box Squat 340
Bench 215
Current Total 910
Extra Stats
Bw - 175
BF - 13%
Height - 5’9
Age - 15
Main objective Earn 1050 Total By grade 12 ,
Reward - Go out and buy 1050 T shirt
You should have that goal fairly easily. Im guessing your a sophmore? I had a higher bench when I was in 10th grade, but your squat and DL seems to be better than mine was.
[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
You should have that goal fairly easily. Im guessing your a sophmore? I had a higher bench when I was in 10th grade, but your squat and DL seems to be better than mine was.[/quote]
Yeah My bench was 235-245 right at the end of summer than I got sick and lost some strength I’m assuming its around 215 at the moment. I’m in 11th grade , Born dececember 31st So I’ll turn 16 end of this year.
October 19, 2009
Chest and Triceps
Flat Dumbell press (touch chest)
20x12 40x10 60x10 85x3x1 85x1x1
Wide grip Incline Barbell Bench press
95x12 135x10/12/12/8
Seated tricep extension
35x10x1 80x5x3
Tricep pushdowns
50x12x1 70x8x3
Flat Dumbell flys
10x12x1 20x10x3
No prs today, Worked some Higher Rep ranges.
lol you lucky my school replaced our big three with bench, powerclean, and squat.
my big three would be so much bigger if i could just deadlift instead of powerclean.
[quote]im kenny wrote:
lol you lucky my school replaced our big three with bench, powerclean, and squat.
my big three would be so much bigger if i could just deadlift instead of powerclean.
I dont think he means a 1050 school total. I think he means a general PLing total.
Should be easy i graduated in june and my total was about 1200. Down from my high of 1250. Im back up now thank God. ith your squat it looks like your dead stands to improve most. For chest/tris ditch the pressdowns and do close grips from pins if possible. lose the flys too for building strength there useless. lower volume+ frequency is best. best of luck and dont forget to eat
[quote]MrDan500 wrote:
Should be easy i graduated in june and my total was about 1200. Down from my high of 1250. Im back up now thank God. ith your squat it looks like your dead stands to improve most. For chest/tris ditch the pressdowns and do close grips from pins if possible. lose the flys too for building strength there useless. lower volume+ frequency is best. best of luck and dont forget to eat[/quote]
Thanks for all the support guys, I ll ditch the flys, however after flat dumbells and incline barbells what else can I add or adjust to improve my bench. I agree my hip strength > Deadlift I am going to switch to sumo for a few weeks and see how that goes. Yeah I have well over a year If I want to achieve this goal by graduation but about 8 months by grade 12.
I am going to achieve this goal so I can wear a 1050 shirt and emberass our school football coach because he never let me participate in the 750 challenge in our school and had it only for football players even though its a school event.
Thanks for all the support guys, I ll ditch the flys, however after flat dumbells and incline barbells what else can I add or adjust to improve my bench. I agree my hip strength > Deadlift I am going to switch to sumo for a few weeks and see how that goes. Yeah I have well over a year If I want to achieve this goal by graduation but about 8 months by grade 12.
I am going to achieve this goal so I can wear a 1050 shirt and emberass our school football coach because he never let me participate in the 750 challenge in our school and had it only for football players even though its a school event. [/quote]
What was 750 for the big three or just push/pull or squat/DL. Cuz no offence but if 750 is something to be proud of if yor on the football team than you go to a pussy school
Yeah our school has a pussy football team in regards to lifting not so much skill. It was dead/bench press/squat/ about 85% or more of the team cant achieve this no one has 1050 total. Our school used to be one of the greatest in the area we had guys with totals around 1200 now no one totals above a grand. Right now I’m focused for 1050 in the next few months, however if I intend to discontinue specifically training the big 3 and continue on to more bodybuilding style training than I will leave it around 1100, but if I continue strength / power training than Above 1200 for sure.
[quote]Krish wrote:
Yeah our school has a pussy football team in regards to lifting not so much skill. It was dead/bench press/squat/ about 85% or more of the team cant achieve this no one has 1050 total. Our school used to be one of the greatest in the area we had guys with totals around 1200 now no one totals above a grand. Right now I’m focused for 1050 in the next few months, however if I intend to discontinue specifically training the big 3 and continue on to more bodybuilding style training than I will leave it around 1100, but if I continue strength / power training than Above 1200 for sure.[/quote]
Dave Tate said size is a side effect of strength trainig and vise versa. I trained with a lot of guys with different veiws and bunch of guys from school only a year or two loder than you and from my expeience at our ages its best to focus on strength. Everyone I know who is my age(18) put on a lot of lean mass when training for strength. Either way good luck bro
oh and to answer your question about what to do after flat DB. do them last and throw in close grip bench prom pins
[quote]MrDan500 wrote:
oh and to answer your question about what to do after flat DB. do them last and throw in close grip bench prom pins[/quote]
Sounds good I ll make those adjustments Thanks.
October 20, 2009
Box squats (parallel)
45x12 135x10 225x6 315x1 340x1
DB single leg squat (bench)
25x5 45x5 85x3x2 [new pr +5lbs]
Good mornings
45x10x1 95x12x3
Calf raises
Was a bit rushed for time , so I superset the good mornings and calf raises. During the single leg squat my calf had a spazsm, I stretched it out and left it at that.
October 21, 2009
Seated Dumbell shoulder press
15x10 40x8 60x5/5/3/3
Power cleans
95x10 145x5 185x3 205x1
Clean and jerk
Track couch came in and we discussed certain polymetrics and exersizes I should add to assist training for 100m, however this cut my workout short, I will finish with some raise variations before bed.
Raise triad
October 22, 2009
Seated pulley row
Close grip lat pulldown
one arm db rows
Standing ez bar curls
Horrible lifts since summer 170lb lat pulldown to 120, need to get back into the heavy lifting. School dumbells only go up to 100 versues 130s I used to use and the availibility of 150s. Just need to push harder each week. 1050.
Update posted a picture not great quality , and was bloated, I’ll provide a picture after I hit 1050 aswell
October 26, 2009
Odd Day
Sumo deadlift
185x3 235x3 325x3 360x1 NEW PR +5lbs
Power clean and front squat
135x3 185x2 205x1 210x1 NEW PR +5lbs
Quarter squats
135x10 225x8 315x6 405x3 NEW PR +40lbs
ATG Squats
Deficit conventional deadlifts
95x5 145x5 235x2 ( first time doing deficits didnt feel it where I should might have to adjust my form.
man you look like you really have your shit in order. im sure you’ll nail your goal.
[quote]Deorum wrote:
man you look like you really have your shit in order. im sure you’ll nail your goal.[/quote]
Thanks Man I sure hope so, My bench is really dragging me down, Really dislike barbell benching
October 27, 2009
Chest/ Tricep
DB Bench (touch chest no starting spot)
20x10 45x10 85x2x3
Wide grip Barbell bench press
135x12 185x3 205x1
Tricep close grip Bench from the pins
135x5 155x5 165x5 (First time doing this exersize we ll see how my triceps respond over weeks)
Seated Tricep Extension
Overall a good workout no PRs, However I really think the Pressing from the pins will help in assisting my bench press cant wait to see the strength gains for the press.