I think the big issue with dropping more carbs is gonna be performance loss in your lifts which will lead to muscle loss. Iwas at 130g/day for a couple weeks and i noticed a huge difference in performance. Last week carbs came back to 200g/day and now lifts are coming up.
What is your end of month, next month, year goal?
What i see for you is slowly dropping fat, while retaining/building some muscle. Your body is in “recomp” mode. You are looking better and better in the mirror but your weight hovers around the same +/-. Nothing wrong with that. The mirror pleases my eyes more than the scale. It’s nice to say i weigh X but if your performance is suffering then to me it’s not worth it because you will have to eat more to build that strength back in and you are starting from square 1 again.
Your right in the middle of the perfect storm!! Hang on for the ride. You are doing great!!!
You are def on the way.
Your body seems hold fat the same as mine. Lower back and waist. My low back won’t get separated until I am unsustainably lean. Almost stage ready.
That being said you don’t wanna rush, get really lean in a short period and then have a huge rebound. At least I would not. I’ve been there.
As I’ve said I would ride this out a bit. You’re going in the right direction. Post weekly pics and let us judge you. Ones eyes get skewed when judging ones self imo.
I have no doubt you can get where you want to be if you stay the course. Your cals are already pretty low and if we can keep squeezing a little out of what you are doing now then you’ll have more runway when you really do need to drop.
seated military press 105x20x4
close grip incline press 100x25x4
dips 20, 20, 20, 20, 20
bent rear delt cable fly 20x25x4
standing rear delt cable fly 10x25x4
single arm face pull 10x25x4
across body tricep pull down 30x25x4
v bar tricep pushdown 50x25x4
standing ez bar curl 50x25x4
cable preacher curl 25x25x4
drag curl 35x25x4