This is probably too long for anyone to bother reading but I can but try…
Kris_88 said “paused box squat`s which mimics your deadlift stance”: This sounds interesting — so i would do box half-squats?
I’m doing 5-3-1 — could this be incorporated as an assitance lift after my squat day (which is front squats because my quads are so weak)? [— I’m guessing the answer is no because it’s too stressful - CORRECT?]
With deadlift speed pulls can these be done as assistance after my front squats on squat day??
Super Mario Bros said “320x20 and 420x1? That seems a little odd. Your 1RM should be significantly higher. Hope you tested the 20RM AFTER the 1RM.” The Rep maxes were tested on different days and there definitely is this discrepancy.
I’m basically doing 20+ reps on every day of 5-3-1 and I’ve finished my third cycle. The theory is that as the weight increases over the months then the reps come down and I get to build on the strength I’ve built with 20 rep top sets which, by the way, are horrible and I can’t wait to get away from.
Super Mario Bros also said “Quad strength is usually what is lacking if you can’t get it off the floor. … Basically, squat more.” — This is why I have prioritised front squats (as well as because my knees are still caving towards the end of top sets of back squats).
However, Eric Cressey (and others) assert that quads are only minimally involved in heavy deadlifts = I’m confused: DO QUADS REALLY MATTER FOR GETTING THE BAR OFF THE FLOOR?
Storm the Beach said “your form sucks”. This is definitely right — the form gets bad (and the hips get higher and higher) towards the end of the 20rep sets I’m doing as part of 5-3-1.
Storm the Beach also said “You cant pull back when the bar is already dragging against your shins from the start. … It doesnt matter that you are tall.” You obviously know what you’re talking about …
‘but’ I consulted with Eric Cressey a while back and he basically said it’s biomechanically impossible for me not to scrape my shins due to my levers (which is why I have to wear tracksuit bottoms as well as shinpads held in place with knee wraps whenever I pull — and even then my legs are always scarred and people are always asking about them) — I will, however, try and set up even further back from the bar in future.
Storm the Beach also said “no, RDLs will not improve your speed off the floor. They will improve grip and lockout but are excellent for hamstring strength.” Is this meant to read are NOT excellent for hamstring strength?
What would be a good assistance movement for building hamstring strength if RDLs are out or should I just stick to deadlifting? Can speed pulls be done as an assitance movement after squat day on the 5-3-1 program? Also, should I be pulling from a 1-2inch deficit every time I deadlift?
Cheers to anyone that got this far and double thanks to anyone that replies.