I mean this kid is skinny, but makes it look effortless:
looks like he’s pretty young too. If he keeps it up he’ll be sick in a few years.
[quote]Love2Lift wrote:
I mean this kid is skinny, but makes it look effortless:
5'11, 141lbs, 100lb dumbells.... - YouTube [/quote]
I would believe that when I see it up close. The way he even replaced the weights after the set would indicate that it was NOT 100lbs.
Yeah, this has got to be fake. for one, he has no chest and no tris. For another, when he’s done with the set, he rests the weight on his chest - which at 200 pounds would suck - and sits up like there isn’t anything there. Last, like X said, he walks around with those things like they’re non-existent… probably because they are.
[quote]thomas.galvin wrote:
Yeah, this has got to be fake. for one, he has no chest and no tris. For another, when he’s done with the set, he rests the weight on his chest - which at 200 pounds would suck - and sits up like there isn’t anything there. Last, like X said, he walks around with those things like they’re non-existent… probably because they are.[/quote]
It takes full body development to get weights 100lbs and greater into position. That is why I consider them more effective than the barbell. We all know people who have structural genetics that allow them to barbell bench more weight than they seem they should but very few of those same people could move the same weight in dumbbells. This is very often an ego deflator which is why many people avoid the dumbbells.
You will simply not be moving that much weight without the muscle mass to support it.
Further, that video would defy physics. Some kid weighing all of 140lbs holding almost one half times his body weight would have to compensate more when walking with it.
I thought I was going to be Rick Rolled again…
I’m gonna have to say that’s real. I’ve seen legit powerlifting videos of guys bench press 300lbs at 150lbs bodyweight. I’ll also argue that Dumbbell Benching 100lb dumbbells is much easier than benching 300lbs.
You can also see the Dumbbells say “Iron Grip.” I doubt Iron Grip also sells fake Dumbbells.
If they are fake dumbbells, the kid is pretty fucking good at doing fake reps. I also don’t think any label were switched out. The Same Iron Grip Dumbbells are at my gym and the 100s are that long. There are also no labels to switch since the weight numbers are etched in and painted on.
The kid is also using pretty good technique. If he was the kind of douche to use fake weights, why not grab the 150lb dumbbells and do 30 reps with sloppy, fast form? He’s keeping his back tight and the crunch he does on the eccentric is a legit technique that Mark “Jackass” Bell has used with great success. Apparently it works for this guy too.
Finally, I don’t think anyone makes fake 100lb dumbbells. If you’re gonna tell the lie, tell the big lie. I think most fake Dumbbells and Barbells have at least 12 plastic plates per side. Maybe this kid make these out of Styrofoam and covered the Styrofoam with sandwich rap and painted the sandwich rap to look like hard rubber. But again, why go through all the trouble if you’re not gonna make fake 500lb dumbbells?
Don’t hate on this kid. If you do, you’re the kind of fat-ass who calls skinny climbers out for using CGI when you see videos of them doing 1-Arm Chins. Just except that facts.
- Some people have awesome motor neuron efficiency
- Some people lift weights who ARE NOT BODYBUILDERS. Maybe this kid just wants to be strong. Maybe he’d rather have the body of Brian Shwab than Dexter Jackson.
[quote]FightingScott wrote:
I’m gonna have to say that’s real. I’ve seen legit powerlifting videos of guys bench press 300lbs at 150lbs bodyweight. I’ll also argue that Dumbbell Benching 100lb dumbbells is much easier than benching 300lbs.
You can also see the Dumbbells say “Iron Grip.” I doubt Iron Grip also sells fake Dumbbells.
If they are fake dumbbells, the kid is pretty fucking good at doing fake reps. I also don’t think any label were switched out. The Same Iron Grip Dumbbells are at my gym and the 100s are that long. There are also no labels to switch since the weight numbers are etched in and painted on.
The kid is also using pretty good technique. If he was the kind of douche to use fake weights, why not grab the 150lb dumbbells and do 30 reps with sloppy, fast form? He’s keeping his back tight and the crunch he does on the eccentric is a legit technique that Mark “Jackass” Bell has used with great success. Apparently it works for this guy too.
Finally, I don’t think anyone makes fake 100lb dumbbells. If you’re gonna tell the lie, tell the big lie. I think most fake Dumbbells and Barbells have at least 12 plastic plates per side. Maybe this kid make these out of Styrofoam and covered the Styrofoam with sandwich rap and painted the sandwich rap to look like hard rubber. But again, why go through all the trouble if you’re not gonna make fake 500lb dumbbells?
Don’t hate on this kid. If you do, you’re the kind of fat-ass who calls skinny climbers out for using CGI when you see videos of them doing 1-Arm Chins. Just except that facts.
- Some people have awesome motor neuron efficiency
- Some people lift weights who ARE NOT BODYBUILDERS. Maybe this kid just wants to be strong. Maybe he’d rather have the body of Brian Shwab than Dexter Jackson.
Questioning the validity of a video is not “hate”. This kid should be on national tv if he only weighs 140lbs but can press that much at that stage of lifting. He should be getting contacted by powerlifting associations if he can make it look that easy (something lifters who outweigh him by over 60lbs might have more difficulty with). Yes, I do question how real that is and I would hope others do as well.
When I can verify that weight was real, then I will praise him for it.
It isn’t that difficult to fake something like that. This is 2008. All you need is the money and the resources to do it.
With 110:
“after i got serious it took me about 6-7 months of training… 2 1/2 hours a day/ 2x a week… full body training, STARTING with my chest every time i work out…”
[quote]anonym wrote:
With 110:
“after i got serious it took me about 6-7 months of training… 2 1/2 hours a day/ 2x a week… full body training, STARTING with my chest every time i work out…”[/quote]
Beat me to it.
I dunno, all the weights on the rack look the same, it seems pretty authentic to me, but it does look suspicious how easily he handles the weights afterwards.
Geez! Is there something in the leverages of a tall kid that makes it possible? I mean looking back, as a teen I was a big bench presser. I could do 250 lbs at a mere 125 lbs bodyweight (at 5’5" tall). But there’s no way I could have handled 100 lb dumbbells. This kid handles them so easily… even racking them one-at-a time.
It’s either fake, or he is Superman.
[quote]rsg wrote:
but it does look suspicious how easily he handles the weights afterwards.[/quote]
That’s what stands out more than anything. If he even showed some level of fatigue after the set when carrying them, I would believe it more. Most lifters moving that much and more would set the weights down, rest and THEN put them up. He jumps up with them after the set as if he isn’t even winded.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
rsg wrote:
but it does look suspicious how easily he handles the weights afterwards.
That’s what stands out more than anything. If he even showed some level of fatigue after the set when carrying them, I would believe it more. Most lifters moving that much and more would set the weights down, rest and THEN put them up. He jumps up with them after the set as if he isn’t even winded. [/quote]
Just tonight, one of the guys at my gym was incline pressing 110lb DB’s and after about 8 reps he is screwed, first dropping the weight, catching his breath, then racking them. He weighs 250lbs+ and is not fat.
We always ask for videos when people make claims about their lifts; he’s done just that. He also has other videos posted. However, like many others have said, he handles the weight so easily that there’s no way it’s real. He’s holding ~1.5x his bodyweight like it’s a bag of groceries. He doesn’t fatigue, flinch, stress, or anything.
I just want to know how he pulled this off.
I think it’s real. My mentor at the gym, a Coast Guard instructor, weighs about 140-lbs (but is shorter at about 5’6") and I’ve seen him press 100-lb DBs and drop them to the ground with good form, making it look fairly effortless.
Of course, I think he might be an android; the guy never breaks a sweat even after several rounds of suicide sprints.
[quote]dragonmamma wrote:
I think it’s real. My mentor at the gym, a Coast Guard instructor, weighs about 140-lbs (but is shorter at about 5’6") and I’ve seen him press 100-lb DBs and drop them to the ground with good form, making it look fairly effortless.
Of course, I think he might be an android; the guy never breaks a sweat even after several rounds of suicide sprints.[/quote]
Yes, but even he dropped them to the ground first.
[quote]dragonmamma wrote:
and drop them to the ground with good form[/quote]
This guy doesn’t even drop them.
Here’s a 64 yo doing 115 lbs with similar looking DBs. He doesn’t drop them either - which I think is weird.
Interesting that you can order Iron Grips with custom engraving. Maybe the gym orders ‘light’ weights so people think they are getting super strong at that gym.