Raw (belt), with his 12 y/o son spotting… Anyone believe this?
Near the end of the video…
Yeah, that’s crazy strong for the kind of shape he’s in. He could have gotten a 5th, though I understand not wanting to with only his kid spotting.
Apparently, he did 600x2 for a BB.com (sigh) photoshoot…
Pictures forthcoming:
I loled at the whipped cream.
[quote]Affliction wrote:
Apparently, he did 600x2 for a BB.com (sigh) photoshoot…
Pictures forthcoming:[/quote]
How fucking retarded does that spotter look?
Hmm, I thought I posted it earlier but there is one more photo…
[quote]patricio2626 wrote:
Yeah, that’s crazy strong for the kind of shape he’s in. He could have gotten a 5th, though I understand not wanting to with only his kid spotting.[/quote]
I think he could have probably squeezed out a 6th, though. lol
I just watched some of that guys videos, he’s one funny dude. Chalking up his face before he did DB rows lmao.
Hold on… Where are the 35 pounds dumbbells? Everyone knows BBers are weak as shit.
Dude has a great build and is crazy strong. He barely even psyched himself up for that lift. Strength is a funny thing like that though I guess, some people are just crazy strong and others will never get there.
At age 42! Be nice if/when I have a teenage daughter at that age…
“This is my dad, he benches 600”
Charismatic dude
Didn’t people go crazy when Max Charles said he could bench 495lb for 8 reps too?
How much does he weigh?
Looks like the Hoornstra’s aren’t such a rare breed after all…
[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
How much does he weigh?
Looks like the Hoornstra’s aren’t such a rare breed after all…
His website says 290 off season, 260 come competition time. Those must be fake plates, because everyone knows a 290 lb bodybuilder can only bench 225.
Doesn’t even sport that big of an arch, what a sick bench.
Dude is fast and strong.
Great athlete, looks young for his age.
Good goal to aspire to for the young guys.
Wow. I really suck.
that guy is my fucking hero.
he looks about 30 too
and benching 600x4, raw and clean w/ whipped cream makes you an animal.
dude could probaly get hit in the face w/ a custard pie and DL 700x5
[quote]Affliction wrote:
“This is my dad, he benches 600” [/quote]
I feel bad for that poor kid…