Hey guys,
I recently got into the world of weightlifting this summer when i was diagnosed with MVP or mitral valve prolapse in my heart. Doctors attributed it to PE, a condition called pectus evactum which means my sternum is unusually close to my heart. I was told I would have to undergo surgery that would be extremely painful in december, and have a 6’’ long titanium bar in my chest for the next 3 years.
Problem was I was terrified. I weighted about 126 lbs, and doctors were telling me that I would probably have little appetite after the surgery. Afraid I would turn into a pile of bones, I joined this community and yadda yadda since guidance and articles im now around 155. I’m about to undergo my surgery, which means little appetite and no weights for 3 weeks afterward.
I think protein shakes are a must-- I’m going to have to have my parents shove them down my throat.
I just wanted to say thanks for all of your guidance to most of my dumb questions over the months, and I hope to see you all back in the gym