[quote]devildog_jim wrote:
[quote]Aussie Davo wrote:
[quote]devildog_jim wrote:
Hell, they might ignore steroids like they do nutrition if they were just another part of a balanced training program instead of a perceived magic bullet.
To be fair, steroids are a magic bullet, regardless of perception. Making the gains of a year of training in only 6-10 weeks? That sounds like a magic bullet to me.[/quote]
But they’re not. Steroids let you work longer and harder, but if you weren’t doing the work before, god knows you’re not going to do the extra work required to get the most out of steroids.
The kids taking them usually want a magic pill to make them badass. How many of these kids take a multivitamin, fish oil, eat right, or train regularly and with a plan? If steroids were just another item on that list, instead of “so good they’re illegal,” how many kids would still want them? I’ll bet that once they’re just another sup, some of the “magic” aura rubs off and we can get real information on the risks and benefits of using good drugs properly.[/quote]
You and West are entirely missing my point. For these kids who don’t want to put a year or two of work in and just get a quick fix, they ARE a magic bullet. You guys aren’t seriously going to sit there and tell me “steroids just let you work harder”? C’mon. I’m not talking about guys at their genetic limit, wanting to reach the next level and still putting in ridiculous amounts of work, that’s fine.
I’m talking about teens who probably weigh about 140 and end up buying steroids because they can’t be arsed putting in the work for a year or two. I have a friend who got on D-bol for this exact reason, his eating habits are crap (missing meals now and then) and his training is piss weak, but he packed on about 20lbs of muscle in the space of a few months, while getting leaner than he’s ever been. That’s not a magic bullet for him? Sure he’ll never be a MONSTER or of any respectable size to the people on this board, but for him he’s achieved - with very little effort - what would take most people a year or more of solid training and nutrition.
This doesn’t just apply to the cosmetic quick fix dweebs like my friend, it also applies to amateur combat athletes. I’ve noticed it’s more rampant in amateur Muay Thai than it is in ama boxing, but it’s still present.