Another ESPN Steroid Article

Subject: Steroids in MMA.

I think this quote sums it up “These are not isolated cases of over-amped muscle junkies taking bizarre steroid doses and compounding their danger with alcohol and drug abuse; these are physician-controlled doses in carefully managed athletes. The conceit among fighters that steroids can be used without consequences to speed the healing of an injury or add lean mass is just that: a fanciful notion unenlightened by the evidence of 40 years.”

Full article here: Fistic medicine: The benefits and costs of steroids

interesting article. I’ve always been on the fence about using AAS in MMA as a performance enhancer or any other sport that solely involves one performer, especially in MMA since that increase in performance can ultimately cause allot of harm to the opponent.

Well it’s title suggests he’s talking about steroids in MMA when in fact he starts drawing conclusions on the dangers of steroids for any athlete based on the health consequences suffered by German Olympic athletes 30 years later. Arguing that it was physician controlled doses and still look what happened to them. What’s a physician controlled dosing schedule look like in 1970s Germany with the objective of creating Olympic Gold athletes???

I say let them juice. The fights will be more entertaining.

The whole point is to cause harm to your opponent.

Whether or not it’s allowed they will continue to use steroids. A lot of the guys who have been caught don’t even physically look like the type of guys you’d automatically suspect to use steroids. Then there are all the other guys who haven’t been caught, but definitely “look” like they’ve been cycling for a long time. I’m no fighter myself, but many folks within the sport have said that nearly all accomplished fighters have used AAS at least at some point in time during their training/career.

There is no doubt many people’s careers are successful because they used steroids somewhere along the way. Just look at Arnold, perfect example I think. I honestly think the only thing that is preventing him from becoming one of the world’s most powerful people (US President) is that stipulation in the Constitution, and his career began with the fame he acquired from his physique and bodybuilding accomplishments. Not that I would vote for him, but I have very little doubt he would win if allowed to run.

The article just highlights the dangers of relying on another person’s supposed “research.” Any who are familiar with academia know how easy it is to cherry pick specific article and studies that support one view, while completely ignoring any studies that might refute them.

This is why good research can be frustrating because it is rare to find one consistent viewpoint/truth. Seems to me to be a doctor who did shit research supporting a media induced lie concerning anabolic steroids and thier use today.