[quote]Proud_Virgin wrote:
FightingIrish, you’ve always said that punching power can’t really be increased beyond improving technique and/or gaining weight. Assuming that a fighter stays in the same weight class and doesn’t improve his technique significantly, why would the use of PED’s make this fighter more dangerous?[/quote]
Well, if they’re used as a recovery tool, that fighter is going to be able train harder for a longer period of time, with a shorter recovery time.
To me, this means that you’ve got a cat who hits real hard, but normally isn’t going to last past seven rounds because he gases. If he’s on, however, is he going to be able to throw more punches at full strength, either because he doesn’t tire out or because his training camp went much better?
I’ve also heard, and I’m not sure about this, that steroids can make your hand eye coordination better- I remember this came up alot during the whole baseball thing. If it can, I don’t need to tell you how that helps a fighter. It could also affect handspeed as well.
And finally, and maybe most imporatantly, it’s going to give you a massive psychological edge over your opponent knowing that you’re on and he most likely isn’t. In fighting, your brain is everything, and going in thinking that you’ve stacked the deck, even if it’s unfairly, is a big thing.