I’m starting to be of the mind that allowing the use of Anabolic Steroids in combat sports could be a good this. Apart from obviously enhancing the athletic performance of fighters, it will also aid in ability to recover from training and injuries.
Also consider that by removing the restrictions, we create a level playing field. At the moment, your fighting uphill, as drug tests don’t catch everyone out.
Anyway, opinions? This was just a spur of the moment thought, I don’t actually endorse the use of AAS in combat sports, it just struck me it would be fucking cool to have superheros battling it out in the ring.
In any other sport, your goal is to get a ball in a basket, over a wall, or over a line. You want to use steroids for that, it’s not hurting anyone.
In boxing and MMA, your goal is to break your opponent down physically by beating the living shit out of him. It’s the most primal, most dangerous sports there are because boxing and MMA are the only ones where the goal is to hurt each other as much as possible.
I don’t watch boxing so I can watch some freakshow monsters fight each other- I want to see real, natural, tough guys go at it. You start letting steroids into the ring, you’re going to see deaths start happening. Hell, why not let them use loaded gloves too? That’d make it more entertaining too.
I know what you’re saying Davo- but it’s a fight that needs to be fought in EVERY sport. Allowing them in combat sports would make more of a joke of sports that are already shady affairs.
I’m curious as to why you say Combat Sports specifically and not all sports? What about Hockey, Baseball, Basketball, Rugby, and Football? Wouldn’t all the same arguments hold true? So are you more for open door policies on Steroids or are you actually only interested in seeing it in ‘combat sports’?
I don’t watch boxing so I can watch some freakshow monsters fight each other- I want to see real, natural, tough guys go at it. You start letting steroids into the ring, you’re going to see deaths start happening. Hell, why not let them use loaded gloves too? That’d make it more entertaining too.
Considering steroids are already in combat sports, and it’s just a question of whether people get caught, I don’t see the “deaths start happening” bit as valid. Otherwise, we would have had quite a few deaths in MMA, already.
I won’t say that about boxing, as boxing has a few deaths every year, anyway.
If they get proper medical help and advice on the use of AAS then I think it would be a possibility, but only if they get decent advice.
See to much kids around here who abuse AAS on the age of 17/18 while they are still growing and not really know what they are doing.
[quote]Enders Drift wrote:
I’m curious as to why you say Combat Sports specifically and not all sports? What about Hockey, Baseball, Basketball, Rugby, and Football? Wouldn’t all the same arguments hold true? So are you more for open door policies on Steroids or are you actually only interested in seeing it in ‘combat sports’?[/quote]
Well keep in mind I was just throwing this idea out there on a whim to open a discussion and see different opinions, I’m not actually supporting the use of AAS in any sport.
If you were a parent that doesn’t know dick about steroids except for what the media tells you, would you allow your kid to look at this or even aspire or train in this discipline? I wouldn’t.
The time isn’t right. First de-demonize steroid use and educate(which is not gonna happen), after that it’d be at least open for discussion.
I’d say do as in Japan. Say they are illegal but don’t test for em.
I was actually thinking about blood testing on MMA, i mean every big organization do it right? like boxing, they wouldn’t let alex emelianenko fight for hepatitis and sure no for anyone with AIDS like Tommy Gunn(the blond kid from Rocky IV)
I say allow it. While Irish has a point, it’s not like we are going to see an exponential rise in speed, endurance and power, or even size.
There’s already a precedence for this in MMA when Pride was still around. How many of those guys aside from Randleman had the kind of freakish physical ability that comes to mind when you think ‘roids’.
I don’t think it’s inclusion into combat sports is going to change things all that much. The athletes will get stronger, and have better endurance more than likely but it won’t turn into a sport filled with 230lb freaks like Kevin.
I think it comes down to whether steroids get approved publicly, like Malchir said above, and yeah that will not happen in our lifetimes because:
A: Everyone looks at PEDs as some sort of drug-based cheating.
B: The public is almost always going to be ignorant on the intricacies of sport (weight-training, strength and conditioning)
C: People are going to look at drug-enhancement as ‘unnatural’, you know, like depulped orange juice and white bread. The same people who buy non-GMO Soy and shop at ‘organic’ stores exclusively out of some moral viewpoint that anything that has its DNA ‘meddled’ with is against nature, or God’s will, or some cold cut shit like that.
A: Everyone looks at PEDs as some sort of drug-based cheating.[/quote]
It is.
I know this site is pro-steroid and looks down on everyone who thinks otherwise, but I’ll be fucked if shooting steroids for a sport isn’t cheating. It absolutely is.
It should be banned in all professional sports, and people who violate that policy dealt with harshly, as they are in some leagues.
A: Everyone looks at PEDs as some sort of drug-based cheating.[/quote]
It is.
I know this site is pro-steroid and looks down on everyone who thinks otherwise, but I’ll be fucked if shooting steroids for a sport isn’t cheating. It absolutely is. [/quote]
so I assume that you think that any supplement usage to give yourself an edge is cheating then? because where do you draw the line between supplements and PEDs?
A: Everyone looks at PEDs as some sort of drug-based cheating.[/quote]
It is.
I know this site is pro-steroid and looks down on everyone who thinks otherwise, but I’ll be fucked if shooting steroids for a sport isn’t cheating. It absolutely is. [/quote]
so I assume that you think that any supplement usage to give yourself an edge is cheating then? because where do you draw the line between supplements and PEDs?[/quote]
I look at it as either testosterone enhancers or synthetic test are over the line. This doesn’t include regular supplements.
And let me be clear- I am all for the appropriate use of such things later in life, when test levels drop. I definitely think they can improve one’s lifestyle by keeping that level nearer to it’s natural levels.
But for competitive sports, no, I don’t think it should be allowed. Especially in combat sports, where the goal is literally to injure another person as badly as possible. If that’s the way we want to have it, we shoulda let Margo fight with his illegal handwraps cause hey, people get away with it, so why not?
A: Everyone looks at PEDs as some sort of drug-based cheating.[/quote]
It is.
I know this site is pro-steroid and looks down on everyone who thinks otherwise, but I’ll be fucked if shooting steroids for a sport isn’t cheating. It absolutely is. [/quote]
so I assume that you think that any supplement usage to give yourself an edge is cheating then? because where do you draw the line between supplements and PEDs?[/quote]
I draw the line both with the fed state local law and with the olypic comitee.
Have to give it to Irish on this one most of the combat sports its too singular
too much direct competition aka bust someone’s face up to let the drugs
either be legal or unregulated.
remember the use is all about making weight and recovery.
FightingIrish, you’ve always said that punching power can’t really be increased beyond improving technique and/or gaining weight. Assuming that a fighter stays in the same weight class and doesn’t improve his technique significantly, why would the use of PED’s make this fighter more dangerous?
[quote]Proud_Virgin wrote:
FightingIrish, you’ve always said that punching power can’t really be increased beyond improving technique and/or gaining weight. Assuming that a fighter stays in the same weight class and doesn’t improve his technique significantly, why would the use of PED’s make this fighter more dangerous?[/quote]
the kind of athlete that does MMA or wrestling boxing etc isnt taking steroids to get stronger.
If you spent any kind of time thinking about people who play at a high level and use you would know its about recovery.
its about training harder recovering more and staying injury free or its about making weight
I know its a weightlifting site, but come on
not every sports goals revolve about being stronger.