Is there a significant difference in lower body muscle use (either ones used or to the degree that they are used) between pushing a prowler and pulling a sled (or prowler)?
From what I was told, pulling the sled is supposed to work your hamstrings more than pushing it. What I’ve found in practice is that if you do the sled-pulling with more of a stiff-leg and hit with your heel first, then pulling can be more of a hamstring-dominant exercise. But if you really lean into them and bend your legs, I find them to be very similar to pushing the sled in terms of muscles used. Whatever the case, each one is a different stimulus and for the sake of variety it’s a good idea to mix in both pushing and pulling.
If you compare pulling “forward” vs backwards
, yes.
if not, the lower body is basicly the same.
The upper body makes use of the shoulders and elbows when pushing. That is the only major difference.
From my experiences
push=posterior chain (hami’s, glutes, calf)
pull=quad dominant
^ I thought I had extremely poor prowler knowledge. Thank you
Push It
Pull It