Hey i was reading men’s health the other day in the book store, and read something about a recent stanford study done. I dont have all the details, but it said something about athletes, and short 15-minute strength workouts, and huge increases in strength.
I have experienced the value of short workouts before, and use them for backoff weeks, but i’d really like to see this study, and exactly what was done.
I went back and read it, and it was the University of Kansas, but there wasn’t any references.
Basically it said, three 15 minute sessions a week was enough for NOVICE lifters to nearly double their strength.
This is very vague, and usually anything works for a novice. It is good news though for people that haven’t been working out much, and have little time, but want to develop some strength.
So heres what im thinking. Im not a novice lifter, so something like this doesn’t completely apply to me, but im willing to try something a bit new. I’m gonna start a new thread though, and will post the link below.