New E-Book: Extreme HIT 30-10-30

Dr Darden,

Thank you very much!

Congratulations on a well-written e-book, having ordered it as soon as I saw the news! You certainly have accomplished amazing results with your son, Tyler, showing (again) that 30-10-30 is a great force to be reckoned with. Presidential, to say the least!

I will read it again, before I post any further comments or questions, as I would not want to spoil anything for new presumtive readers. Also, I expect a more interesting thread, later on.

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Here is a link to the article:

Here is a link to the book:

thank you

Why is commenting not allowed on the instagram post? Almost 4000 posts and that is the only one. Seems weird.

Very excited to give this a try

Bought the book. Thanks. One question. I’m 62. What do I change? Please and Thanks! :slight_smile: Your time and help are greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

I don’t know Ricky. I’ve watched your videos and you know what you are doing. Perhaps 20 seconds between exercises during week 3 would be a stretch for you?

You tell me. Do the recommended workouts in weeks one and two and report back?


@Ellington_Darden I have purchased the new e-book and read through it. Exciting stuff. I have a few questions before I get started.
#1 I do not have access to any machines, namely the leg extension and leg curl. What are effective alternatives?
#2 Due to a shoulder injury, I cannot lift over head. I usually substitute landmine presses for OH presses. Is this what you would recommend?
#3 I am not an 18 year old lifter, I am 53 and a moderate lifter. 6’4" 210 lbs, 113lbs SMM, 9.5% bf. What kind of gains should I expect?

I will be trying to adapt a home routine.

I really enjoyed the E-book. I will study it more in depth as well.

Would there be a way to work in pure negative dips or chins? I could do a one time down but in less time. Or maybe a set number of multiple slow reps not going near any failure?

If this is to far away for the scope of your program I would still like to add dips being I cant bench safely at home. I can find a way but it would take to much time to move set up.

Keeping in mind about keeping the weight the same I can do a 15 seconds down15 seconds up and 15 down dip without going near failure.

If that does not fit I can do 30/10/30 pushup.

Other wise I can do 30/10/30 on everything else.

My question also. Are exercise substitutions permitted? Would a hammer bench press be as effective as the barbell version? Seems easier to do the slower tempo training on a good machine.

I think so because the back squat is listed as a sub for leg press.

Will do. Thanks

I have just read the article associated with the new book and noticed the measurements do not include the hips or waist - key indicators to me of fat gain/loss. Did you take these measurements too? I could add 5 inches to my chest with fat but not without adding a similar amount to my waist. However, 5 inches on the chest with very little on the waist would suggest the gain is mostly muscle.

  1. Try Sissy Squats and Dumbbell Squats.
  2. Landmine Presses will work.
  3. Maybe 75% of Tyler’s results.

Tyler added 1 inch to his waist. But it must have been from thicker ab muscles because his percent body fat went down slightly. I didn’t take his hip measurement, although I probably should have.

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Yes, you can substitute the NO chin and dip at 15/15.

Thanks for getting back to me. I typically don’t trust body fat measurements alone because they often do not seem accurate.

Yes, you can substitute the Hammer bench press for the barbell version.

Dr. Darden…i am looking forward to this program, however I am still in the losing fat stage, will this program be good for that…also, I am going subsitute the free weights with nautilus, matrix and hammer strength machines…about once a month or once every two weeks I may incorporate an xforce workout

The, dan