[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:
Dude thats the point!! They are still just as big and just as strong if they dont use those shirts.
I guess when your sport is soley about increasing the amount of weight, it eventually go to the point where if you could increase it even more artificially with a tight shirt, thats the way it had to be. And really this is not a knock on the strength of these guys I just dont understand the need to artificially do it. Even juice is one thing, but adding an external crutch like that?
It seems to me like the guy at the gym “benching” 275 where his friend keeps picking it off his chest, but the guy is really only strong enough to rep 235.
But I will say this, it is the sports fault for allowing the shirts, not the lifters, because if that is your sport and it is allowed and everyone else does it you have to keep it up to even have a chance at competing. So, no hating on the athletes themselves here, just what the sport has turned into.
I’m guessing you’ve never used a shirt? Not saying it as a knock, but using one is not only fun and a major fucking adreniln rush but it also helps to protect my joints.
Honestly now, how many guys do you reckon could consistently do full range benches with 700+ lbs year after year and survive in the sport? Not many I’d say.
As for “It seems to me like the guy at the gym “benching” 275 where his friend keeps picking it off his chest, but the guy is really only strong enough to rep 235.”
There’s one major difference. They guy in the shirt is controlling the weight on his own (and don’t say the shirts doing it for him) where as gym-rat isn’t doing much except spotting his buddys upright rows. BIG difference.
Hell, we may as well take shirts outta powerlifting. As soon as they take drugs outta bodybulding and other professional sports. I’ll burn my shirt the day someone wins the olympia under 230lbs, or they re-write the olympic records and say the fastest 100m ever was 11 seconds.
People knock shirts because they give an easily quantifiable increase. You don’t here someone saying “OMFG d-bol gave him .15 off his 100m time”.
When it comes down to it powerlifting is a closed community. We cater for ourselves and what we want to do. If the guys who don’t lift or support powerlifting don’t like it, then fuck 'em.