That’s actually how I’ve worked my lifting schedule for a few years now. I started doing it when I was following Wiggy’s Singles & Doubles, then continued doing it when I started doing 531, and still do it with Juggernaut now. Only difference is I superset a pull before each push on my main lifts, so:
-Bench day
A. Row (different variations as I feel like changing it up)
B. Bench
-Military Press day
A. Weighted pullups
B. Military Press
I’ve been doing it so long, I hate doing it any other way at this point.
Thank you for all the answers
As i understand it, it is possible to do without the vertical pulls… but it seems to be less than optimal. Think i will try something like what furius suggests.
As far as growth in the lats and upper back are concerned, vertical pulls aren’t exactly necessary. I gained a considerable amount of back size in 3-months doing mostly just rows and deadlifts, with the occasional set of high rep pulldowns. I also went from doing sets of 3-5 pull-ups with bodyweight to sets of 8-10 without doing a single pull-up.
This is not ideal, however. I’d definitely throw in some type of pull-up or chin-up to work as an antagonist to the overhead press. You could superset those two together if you’re wanting to be time conservative.
Yeah as others have said find a way to keep both.
I would actually say for most people(especiall those who work in an office) they are more important for posture and keeping your shoulders pain free in the long term than rows/horizontal work
just supersetting a few unweighted sets inbetween between bench sets a la Wendler is fine. If strong, doing them as a finisher after arm work -is a great way to get some nasty gunz
As much as I hate to turn this into one of those threads, all the statements about “I made a ton of progress without doing vertical pulls” without photos or anything isn’t of a lot of help.
I don’t mean to insult you, so please don’t take it as such, but going from looking completely untrained to looking a tiny bit like you’ve lifted weights a little really doesn’t strengthen your position.
You have a good point, I just wanted to give my .02 cents. Lat growth is lat growth whether it was going from small to less small or yoked to more yoked. I never said vertical pulls were not optimal or beneficial, I just said that lat growth can be achieved without them and I don’t know how anyone could argue that.
I’m guessing you didn’t read the last part of my first post, I pretty much said that. Lol. In no way did I imply that ignoring vertical pulls is what everyone should do. I didn’t even recommend not including them, I just stated my personal experience.
Keep in mind that there’s a bigger picture. If you want to omit vertical pulls to maybe emphasize work on lat and upper back thickness or work more on movement pattern health with stuff like seated db snatches, face pulls, or pull overs, or band pull aparts then a 12 week program devoted to that might be perfect for you.
Now if your main goal is lat width, then omitting vertical pulls would likely be less than optimal.
Removing vertical pull is like removing your cock. One of the worst fucking ideas ever.
You should be firing out chins like nobody’s business. Ok, you’ll probably end up with a fucked elbow however it will have the most profound effect on your physique. More so than any other exercise in my opinion.