I’ve been doing a full-body routine for a while now, but I feel like my delts don’t recover fully between workouts. I want to try a push-pull routine for a couple months to see if the extra recovery time between pushing movements helps. Primary goal is to put some mass on my upper body. I’m fine leaving my lower body on maintenance for a while. I’m thinking something like this.
deadlift variation to include snatch-grip or rack pulls for upper back
vertical push
horizontal push
isolation work - rear delt, arms, abs
You generally see squats on push day and deadlift on pull day with this type of split. I want to switch that because I find my lats are taxed after deadlifting, which affects upper body pulling. I also find my delts taxed after front squatting, which affect upper body pushing. I figure this setup avoids that.
I’d like some ideas on how to fill in the details - set, reps, exercise selection, etc. Right now I’m thinking of doing this 3 days a week
Last thought. Would this work better with the following setup?
I did notice that article. There are some good concepts there, which I may incorporate, but I think I’d struggle with some of the supersets (press + dips, for example).
Frequency. If I can only make it to the gym 3 days a week, I’ll be hitting each body part just once a week. If I do a push/pull, I can hit each body part every 4-5 days.
Yes that is a way to do it. I like adding volume and intensity and the same time in an accumulation style pattern. Try and get close to over training then back it off. Also more sets and longer rests doesn’t fit time constraints as well.
I’ve been doing push pull legs. An article I based it on wanted the user to do it like this
Day 1 push
Day 2 pull
Day 3 rest
Day 4 legs
Day 5 rest, then repeat the cycle, that way you won’t do the same shit every day
I just got done with my 8th week but after the 1st week of doing it their way, I felt there were too many rest days so I tweaked it to
Day 1 push
Day 2 pull
Day 3 legs
Day 4 push
Day 5 pull
Day 6 legs and so on…
I’ve increased strength and mass and my body was ready for the exercises each day
On push days I would work chest, shoulders and triceps
On pull days I would work deadlift, Back and biceps
Leg days hit the legs hard
Throw in an abs and core exercises each day to finish off the session and wa-lah
Yes sir. Only because the muscles I work together are worked every 4th day so they get 2 rest days between, granted I’m working other parts on the on between days. The hardest part is just getting my was to the gym everyday. Some days I go in later in evening, some days, mornings or afternoons. Just depends on my sxhedule