Program Help

alright first off, I know you guys get threads like this all of the time but I am not a bull shitter any more, I have researched and messed around at the gym for a few months now and I think it is time for a good work out plan bassed on what I want to gain from working out.

I am 6’5 and I started out at about 315-320, I just turned 18 and I playyed football in high school so I am out of shape but not a total fat ass kid. I have been going to the gym at least 4 night’s a week for a good 3 to 3 and a half month’s and have noticed some results that have made me pretty happy. I am down to about 300-305 now and I have also noticed a pretty decent gain in strength and muscle size.

I know it can’t be a lot in such a short period of time but I am just starting to work out I think every one probably feels great seeing even the most minor gains. Anyway’s, I do my eleptical machine for 30 minute’s a day, and I lift. I have a chest/tri day, back/bi day, legs/shoulders day. Like I said even from my brief time working out I am really enjoying seeing the improvemnents that I have made in my physique but I think it’s time to get a really good work out plan in action.

I have cleanned up my diet to pretty much follow the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs
(I have it printed up and posted on my fridge so I don’t cheat lol). I want to get that burn/pain back that I ussed to have the morning after a good workout that I ussed to get when I first started lifting.

I guess I should have mentioned this but my goal is to gain muscle (obviously) and to burn away the spare tire I have around my waist. Since 6’5 is pretty tall and 300LB’s is alot of weight I know it’s going to take a long time to get in GREAT shape but I want to get big do you know what I mean? that extra fat is going to take a long time to burn off and honestly I am willing to work at it untill it is gone.

Meanwhile I am wanting to get my chest, arms, back and everything big, like I know I won’t get huge over night but like a good work out to get big. Honestly I am willing to work as hard as I need to. I have found out first hand now that working out isn’t some thing to do now and then, it’s a commitment that really pays off. Thank’s for listening to me go on and on and I hope to hear back from you guy’s with any advice and hopefully a work out plan. Once again thank you, carltmac

Your two best options would be to buy ‘Starting Strength’ by Mark Rippetoe and do exactly what that says, or go to Madcow’s site and run the single-factor 5x5. Once you pull 2.5 x bodyweight, squat 2 x bodyweight, and bench 1.5 x bodyweight, you can consider a more complicated approach.

Good luck.

Man sounds like you have a pretty good base and your making the steps really thing now is act. nail that diet for yor goals dont go crazy clean it up lose slow, work hard and you set to make hella progress.

Id go to the beginner thread check some of the programs there many are very basic BUT that doesnt mean they are Not very effective many ppl think it needs to be complicated. Find one that interest you seems to fit your schedule and come back with any ?'s


hey thank’s for the replys. I have searched for Madcow’s site but I have only landed up on other forum’s that are really just discussing how well the program works. A link would be much appreciated. Once again thank’s for the reply’s and any idea’s are more then welcome.

so I have been reading some threads on dieting and differrent workout plans and I in one thread I someone was saying to pick up this book, “The Body Sculpting Bible For Men” and I was wonderring if you guy’s have heard anything about it or have read it?

Also for those who have do you know if it would work in my situation? If you don’t feel like reading my first post in this thread I’ll give a short sypnosis of my situation, I am 6’5 and 300LB’s, I have been hitting the gym from between 3 to 4 months and I DAMN MOTIVATED to keep working at dropping my weight, I have lost about 15-20 pounds now.

I am looking to obviously (lol) keep loossing the weight but I don’t want to get very lean muscle I would rather get big muscles which would in my opinion fit my size better (I know that takes time I’m not saying I want a over night miracle that will never work, I am willing to put in the time and work).

Anyways getting back to the book, I am wonderring if this book with fit my situation or maybe it just bassed on smaller guy’s trying to gain size or stuff like that? I have read that it give’s you a pretty good out line for diet’s and that it has photo’s (for gym newbie’s like me of form and such for different lifts) for different lifts.

Overall what do you guys know about this book and would it work for me? Also which edition haha there are so many, here is a link to the book store that I’ll be buyying it from (to tell me which edition to purchase)…

thank you for takeing the time to read my post and I’m looking forward to reading the reply’s


First off, good work on your determination and progress. You have the attitude it takes to get huge like this guy… several years from now.

Now, as to the program–pretty much hard effort and perserverence trumps all. It’s been said around here many times by the authors, and vets, that a craptastic program done balls out with no quit or skipping or excuses will in 95% of cases thrash a perfectly periodized and precisely calibrated custom program done with the intensity of a kindergartener doing homework during Saturday morning cartoons. BUT, combine a great program with an angry, determined person and you get a monster :). In particular, kudos for getting down with your diet via Berardi’s 7 Habits. That’s really all you need for now. Read up on details of nutrition, but don’t get bogged down with them. By the time you need to work them in, you’ll be a lot stronger and a lot leaner from just working hard and following “The 7 Habits” article to a T.

Starting Strength = a great book. There are a lot of other programs that will work for you right now, but 5x5 works really well. Following are my personal picks for someone of your experience–

Total Body Training
Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program

While you’re doing all those programs, start reading the back issues here and finding programs to do. Or, better yet, start reading up on how to design your own programs.

As to the “Body Sculpting Bible for Men” --just read the product description from Amazon. A 14 day program? Yeah. That’s what you need. Stick to other books. Hard training. The only way to get big is to train hard. You don’t “sculpt” from here on out, you train. If you want better results than the other 99% of the people out there, you’ve got to have a different mindset than the other 99%. Set longterm strength/size goals, set short term goals to get you there.

Finally, read the “Are You a Beginner?” thread and the articles linked there. Sear that thread into your brain.

EDIT–forgot the link. I put it in up top again.

Ya I know what your saying about that book now, last night when I posted my comment I just finnished reading a thread and someone was saying that it’s a great read and it has a lot of info. on dieting and how the body works and work out plans and I was just about to pick it up untill I read the discription that one of those online book storer and once I saw that 14 day bull shit I didn’t even think about buyying it again really.

Anyways, do you guy’s know any book’s about nutrition that will get me informed but not confuse the f*** out of me? How about a books on gaining size and how to eat and work to get the size?

Also that 5x5 (get yourself ready, this may be the dumbest question many of you have EVER heard) doe’s that just mean 5 set’s of 5 rep’s? I have been reading about the 5x5’s but I’m acctually right confussed by it all?


[quote]carltmac wrote:
Ya I know what your saying about that book now, last night when I posted my comment I just finnished reading a thread and someone was saying that it’s a great read and it has a lot of info. on dieting and how the body works and work out plans and I was just about to pick it up untill I read the discription that one of those online book storer and once I saw that 14 day bull shit I didn’t even think about buyying it again really.

Anyways, do you guy’s know any book’s about nutrition that will get me informed but not confuse the f*** out of me? How about a books on gaining size and how to eat and work to get the size?

Also that 5x5 (get yourself ready, this may be the dumbest question many of you have EVER heard) doe’s that just mean 5 set’s of 5 rep’s? I have been reading about the 5x5’s but I’m acctually right confussed by it all?


Nutrition Id really just look here IMO read the Sevens habits article and Food that make you look good nekkid nail those concepts most of the time and intake amounts to gain or hit your goals and youll be great . something a little more structure for gaining Check out Massive eating reloaded 1 and 2. and if you want a book going to be in depth maybe John Berardi’s Scrawny To Brawny

yes 5 x 5 is 5 sets 5 reps great article on Here By Dan John that goes into the forms of 5x5 do an author search for his name and look at his article should be easy to find

here are some links to the nutrition

7 Habit

Foods That Make You Look Good Nekid

M/E Reloaded


As far as nutrition books, I’d say just read John Berardi’s articles from the earliest to the latest on this site, and on his own site… It’ll take lot of critical thinking to get through them all, but if you take the time you’ll come out with a thorough understanding of nutrition principles.

Like I said before, and Phill just said, all you’ll need is “The 7 Habits” for a long time, provided you follow them consistently.

Books on eating to gain size? Just read Berardi’s Massive Eating and Massive Eating Reloaded articles here at T-Nation. Of course, you may not need them right now as you’re trying to get rid of your spare tire, but they may come in handy in a few months or a year when you’ve leaned all the way out and want to bulk again. Seriously, start with the info on this site. There are at least a couple books worth here between Lonnie Lowery and John Berardi. And then some.

As far as training books go, the “Black Book of Training Secrets” by Thibaudeau is good. “Starting Strength” is good. Actually, just start with getting “Starting Strength” and reading it. Then get the Black Book and look around for some others. A lot of people have good choices around here.

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
As far as nutrition books, I’d say just read John Berardi’s articles from the earliest to the latest on this site, and on his own site… It’ll take lot of critical thinking to get through them all, but if you take the time you’ll come out with a thorough understanding of nutrition principles.

Like I said before, and Phill just said, all you’ll need is “The 7 Habits” for a long time, provided you follow them consistently.

Books on eating to gain size? Just read Berardi’s Massive Eating and Massive Eating Reloaded articles here at T-Nation. Of course, you may not need them right now as you’re trying to get rid of your spare tire, but they may come in handy in a few months or a year when you’ve leaned all the way out and want to bulk again. Seriously, start with the info on this site. There are at least a couple books worth here between Lonnie Lowery and John Berardi. And then some.

As far as training books go, the “Black Book of Training Secrets” by Thibaudeau is good. “Starting Strength” is good. Actually, just start with getting “Starting Strength” and reading it. Then get the Black Book and look around for some others. A lot of people have good choices around here.[/quote]

Who is the author of “Starting Strength”, I looked on like Barnes & Noble and didn’t get any result for it really?

no one can help me with that?

[quote]carltmac wrote:
no one can help me with that?[/quote]

Google is Ye friend

Ripptoe and Kilgore


alright so I’m checking back in again and I’m doing pretty good, I’m down a little more weight and have seen some nice body change’s for the little time that I have been working out.

I have a few more question’s here they are: if I am trying to lose weight should I be eatting like 5 egg whites and like natural peanut butter and stuff like that, like I have been eatting egg’s (the whites only) but now I am wonderring if those kind’s of things are good for me because when you have a lot of them the calories add up?

Also I was wonderring if you guys know of any good sites for cool recipes for ground beef and chicken and stuff? I am sure that I will think of many more questions but it seem’s like every time I post a messagge I forget every thing so any way’s thank’s for your time.

how many calories should some one my size with my goal of lossing fat but gaining muscle consume a day?