[quote]Marther wrote:
vcjha wrote:
No matter how healthy I eat, it doesnt seem to be working. I was wondering if you could help by either making tweaks to my meal plan or post a shopping list I can follow which I can devise a meal plan from and get any changes you for portions, meal timing, etc. Usually, I would look up all the threads for meal plans I could try but I have to keep in mind I don’t have the money to follow a decent peri-workout nutrition protocol. So here goes:
120 g of oatmeal w/ 2 cups of milk and 24 g of whey protein or six eggs w one slice of bread w/ peanut butter
two peanut butter sandwiches: each is 2 slices w 4 tbsp of peanut butter yielding 9 g of peanut butter, 15 g of fat, and 7 g of carbs.
6 oz of meat whether it be rib-eye or chicken breast usually w some kind of carb like fruit or broccoli.
Final meal is always a smoothie of 24 g of protein, water, and frozen fruit.
I drink one cup of orange juice everyday. I know you must frown at my meal plan, but it’s the best I could think of from what I can get. I’m not trying to be lazy but it would help since I realize selection of foods almost never changes for any phase whether it’d be fat loss or muscle gain as the only thing that probably changes is the amounts of food.
The whey protein I use is optimum nutrition 100% gold standard. I will say I’m a complete newbie but I was taught to follow the approach KISS in bodybuilding. Any suggestions, CT? Thanks for the reply for the training questions btw.
You’re probably not getting enough calories. Meal 1 and 3 look OKish, but meal 2 @ 4 tbsp peanut butter and bread isn’t enough and while meal 4 is kinda OK since it’s the last meal of the day, it’s not adding many calories.
If you get tired of making food, try to find a decent Meal Replacement Powder (MRP) and then structure it something like this:
- Solid meal. Oats + protein + fruit is a good option here.
- Solid meal e.g. meat/fish + carbs + veg
- Solid meal e.g. meat/fish + fat + veg
- Evening protein snack e.g. cottage cheese
If you don’t want MRP, then make your own shakes of whey or whatever protein powder + palatinose for meal 2 and protein powder + coconut milk for meal 4. Probably best to get some flax meal in there for some fibre too.
I’m by no means the most experienced person here, but I am lazy and cheap when it comes to food so I thought you might appreciate my input.
edit: Just another tip, cook meal 3 and 5 together. That way you only have to cook once per day, which is a lot, but it’s gotta be done.[/quote]
Thanks, def appreciate the input. Guess all i gotta do is add fruit to my first meal, maybe a banana or some orange juice. If there is one thing I hate eating now though I do without fail everyday, it’s meat. I thought the barbecue would be easier to cook it on, but I was wrong as sometimes you come in with burnt meat when you thought it was perfect-looking on the grill. At the same time, unless someone experienced says otherwise, I know it’s best to eat it without sauce or even salt and pepper. I only put olive oil on my meat. What is palatinose? Truth is I only want to use at maximum 3 scoops of whey as it gets expensive to me. Currently, I only use two a day. Also, I follow ct’s words which is supplements or powders are best for para-workout, solid food is best for all other times. I just recently found out that 6 oz of cooked meat is not actually 48 g, but actually 64 g, the weight of an 8 oz raw. Whew! It took me AT LEAST an hour finish my dinner before I found out about that tidbit. I actually cook my whole week’s batch one day out of the week, but I’m going to cut that down to twice a week. One more weird thing is I get assistance from my parents to buy all sorts of food, but they will never support me for supplements, even when I tell them it lets them buy less food. But if someone experienced on the forum, like ct or prof x, tells me otherwise, I will definitely try one more time to explain it to my parents. So, just to let you know, given my goals, to anyone experienced that is willing to help, I’m willing to eat crap for the rest of my life(excluding cheat day once a week unless someone can tell me cheating will make you lose gains). I don’t need that "If you dont want to eat that, then blah blah blah. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to reach my goal in the fastest way that will produce the best results, except for spending alotta money and steroids.