[quote]tmoney1 wrote:
carltmac wrote:
The approach I recommend is a derivative of Bob Gajda’s Peripheral Heart Action training (PHA), which is an early form of circuit training that Gajda used to win the 1966 Mr. America bodybuilding title.
You’ll perform two or three different circuits of 5 exercises per day, each circuit being performed three times. There’s no rest between the exercises within the same circuit and you can rest for 1-2 minutes once all three sets of a circuit have been completed.
CIRCUIT A (12-15 reps per set)
A1. Horizontal pushing exercise
A2. Quads-dominant exercise
A3. Horizontal pulling exercise
A4. Hamstrings-dominant exercise
A5. Abdominal exercise
No rest between exercises within the circuit (or as little as possible). Perform the circuit three times.
CIRCUIT B (15-20 reps per set)
B1. Vertical pushing exercise
B2. Quads-dominant exercise
B3. Vertical pulling exercise
B4. Hamstrings-dominant exercise
B5. Abdominal exercise
No rest between exercises within the circuit (or as little as possible). Perform the circuit three times.
CIRCUIT C �?? OPTIONAL (15-20 reps per set)
C1. Biceps exercise
C2. Calves exercise
C3. Triceps exercise
C4. Abdominal exercise
C5. Shoulder isolation exercise
No rest between exercises within the circuit (or as little as possible). Perform the circuit three times.
The lactate-inducing sessions are performed twice a week; they should not be performed before a heavy lifting session to avoid a decrease in performance. Limit strength is something that cannot be trained efficiently in a fatigued state. So far a weekly schedule would look like this:
I am so lost about everything still that I am just getting frustrated, I don’t know where to start and what to eat, please someone try to help me and clarify these things.
Hey Carl,
Looks like that is Christian Thibaudeau’s Destroying Fat Program, with the Lactate Inducing workouts. I’m on that program right now, it’s working great.
Some examples of the exercises:
Horizontal Push - Flat Bench Press, Incline Press, Decline Bench Press (you are lying down and pushing the weights up away from you)
Horizontal Pull - Bent Over Barbell Row, Bent Over Dumbbell Row (you are leaning forward slightly and pulling the weights up toward you)
Vertical Push - Shoulder Press, Military Press (you are standing up and pushing the weights up)
Vertical Pull - Lat Pulldowns, Pullups, Chinups (you are pulling the weight down towards you)
You can look up these exercises on here by using the search button or checking out exrx.net
This is what my routine looks like:
Circuit 1
Bench Press
Leg Press (squats hurt my knees really bad, so I avoid them)
Bent Over BB Row
Romanian Deadlift
Rest 120 seconds
Circuit 2
DB Shoulder Press
Leg Extension
Lat Pulldowns
Leg Curl
DB Side Bends
Rest 120 Seconds
Circuit 3 (this is an optional circuit: usually, I’m too gassed from the first 2 circuits, I don’t do this one yet)
DB Hammer Curls
Standing Calf Raises
Triceps Pushdown (with rope)
Sit Ups
DB Shoulder Press
Hope this helps.[/quote]
Holy shit man thank’s, honestly that helped a lot, the only question I have left right now is what do you mean by rest 120 second’s? Like do I rest between each of those excercise’s for 120 second’s or between the circuit’s?
Also how the hell am I suppossed to be so quick between each excercise, like if I have the squat set up I can’t have 5 other thing’s set up waiting for me? Or do I do my set’s of squat’s and then move on to the next one?
EDIT: The fitday.com website works I guess but shouldn’t I bring a log with me that I write down the excercise’s and weight’s and stuff? Also for foods like is there a way to make a little book thing that I write down what I ate so I don’t have to come to my computer every time I eat to type what I ate?