Kuz , this is for you.
My comp has frozen on me twice while writing this but here it is.
Ok work out routine I do Push / pull exercises and cardio. Push exercise I do are Bench press, Shoulder press, leg press and e.t.c. pull exercise are bicep curls lateral pulls, and e.c.t. One day push next day pull but cardio is always in there. Um I do medium resistance, In order to get more reps. E.X. My max in bench press is 180 lbs. I do 100 lbs for 3sets of 15. ( I do 15reps and 3sets for every exercise or ill die trying .)
My diet consist of 2 meals a day, and 2 snacks. The snacks are between meals
In the morning around 9-10am I eat Special ?k? with low fat milk. ( normal serving size ).
Snack around noon, I usually I eat either a banana or a sliced apple. With a glass of water
At around 12:30 I go to my gym and workout for an hour and a half.
Around 2 I come home and get a bottle of water( it contains one liter ). I drink that as I cool down.
After cooling down and taking a long relaxing shower ill go eat a snack , along with a glass of cold water.
During the evening at 6-6:30 I eat dinner.
The meals have no specific order but are changed around and rotated.
Grounded turkey with corn
Turkey burgers ( 2 ) topped with lettuce, and ketchup.
Grilled chicken with carrots
A Fillet of Salmon ( 10oz steak ) with green beans.
Grilled chicken tacos ( with lettuce and salad ranch ). ( 3 )
The things I go by when looking for results are the weight scale, looks and fitting of clothes.
I have noticed that I feel more energized, feeling better, don?t crave food as much, and I see myself slightly thinner but I have only lost 3 lbs on the scale. I want to lose more weight safely but quickly, that?s why I?m asking about the Thermogenics/ fat burners I want to try and include them in my diet and excersis plan to be as effective as possible.