[quote]Sneaky weasel wrote:
romanaz wrote:
Sneaky weasel wrote:
Nah, it’s the East Coast Gold meet in Moorestown.
lame. Wish Joe and Chris Smith didn’t schedule their meets a day apart. I love the Moorestown venue, but no one from FDU is coming down (to my knowledge).
you got any idea on the Garden State Games this year, is ECG doing it again?
I’m pretty sure we are, as it’s the kickoff for our summer training camp. Now I just have to find a post-graduation job in the Philly/Moorestown area so I can keep training there…ugh.[/quote]
that is true. If you can’t get one near that area, FDU has a nice facility up in the Morristown area, so you do have choices.
back squats
up to 80% 3reps 4sets (101kg). And a single with 87% (110kg+), then 80%.
To keep resure of the wrist I was hold the bar collar to collar. But that made my back loose its tightness. On the last 2sets I used the shorter grip style.
[quote]Avocado wrote:
Alpha wrote:
Sneaky weasel wrote:
Alpha wrote:
Hey guys–I am by NO MEANS claiming to be an OLY guy or a PL guy…I do not have a coach but I do have a camera which is catching some stuff that has bad form and I was wondering if any of you could check out some of my posts and critique some of my lifts. (maily my cleans from yesterday…I’m just learning them and they are UGLY!) I have them all down on my log (Alpha’s work) with links to my Youtube page which has said lifts on it…
I used to fight MMA but due to Medical stuff cannot anymore and am thinking of going for OLY or PL or Strongman stuff but want an idea of where I stand first…
Any help is appreciated…
Well you’re clearly quite strong–140kg hang power clean x2 is pretty heavy no matter what your technique is like.
That said, there are some things you can fix pretty quickly I think. First, your countermovement (where you lower the bar before cleaning it) should be more like an RDL to the top of the knee, rather than just dropping your hips. This is causing the bar to hit your thighs, and making your arms bend a little, which is a no-no.
The main problem, however, is that you are effectively reverse power-curling the bar–your elbows stay in the same position, so the bar travels away from your body too much. When you hit your second pull, your elbows need to come UP and THROUGH in order to hit a solid rack position.
Catching 315 on your wrists like that is going to get you hurt eventually. Rack position needs to be just like the one you front squat with.
I think a good coach would be able to do a lot with you, if you have the patience to work on your technique and forgo limit weights for a while.
Thanks so much bro–I really, really do appreciate it
Yeah man you could really do well with a coach around your area. go train inB-more with neospartan and crew. It’s obviously that you have the sack for lifting and aren’t afraid to put some “stank” on the bar. That is the base of a good lifter if you can be taught the delicacies.
Thanks a lot bro–I may just have to go try to train with those guys sometime soon
[quote]romanaz wrote:
Sneaky weasel wrote:
Nah, it’s the East Coast Gold meet in Moorestown.
lame. Wish Joe and Chris Smith didn’t schedule their meets a day apart. I love the Moorestown venue, but no one from FDU is coming down (to my knowledge).
you got any idea on the Garden State Games this year, is ECG doing it again?[/quote]
I’ll be helping out Chris that weekend, he’s my coach . Which meet are you going to?
[quote]ronaldo7 wrote:
romanaz wrote:
Sneaky weasel wrote:
Nah, it’s the East Coast Gold meet in Moorestown.
lame. Wish Joe and Chris Smith didn’t schedule their meets a day apart. I love the Moorestown venue, but no one from FDU is coming down (to my knowledge).
you got any idea on the Garden State Games this year, is ECG doing it again?
I’ll be helping out Chris that weekend, he’s my coach . Which meet are you going to?[/quote]
I’ll be @ the Rudy Sablo. I’ll see you down there =D
63/3x1 [apparently i have some kind of un-apparent pause when i catch the bar that necessitates me going back to 60kg. oh well, wasnt even expecting to get to this weight today]
58x2x3 [whew, hit very low catch position, calves are KILLING ME]
Snatch pull
Back Squat
100x4x4 [wow, so hard]
bw was 97.2kg. Grrr. Anyhow, did abs, back pre-hab and stretching. Going in wednesday for a fairly light workout, then a massage early thursday and some stretching bar work friday and saturday and then the meet!
Snatch from blocks [at knees]
^on these ones apparently im not relaxed enough. Also I got shit for: my face when lifting being funny and putting too much energy into it. It’s as if what my fuckin face looks like matters fuck all. I do the SAME prep for every lift so that ideally every lift becomes the SAME lift no matter the weight. How the fuck does the lift look? not my face that matters [FWIW my lifting face is with my mouth open to breath through the stick point on the squat up and not grind my teeth. Eye are super open too because i used to close them sometimes. So my face is a remedy to those issues. now i have to go back to lifting with a mouth guard.]
Cl&Jk from blocks [at knee]
Got in shit on these for readjusting my grip for jerking before jerking. Apparently i was making the lift too complicated. I thought i was just making the lift. then i got shit again when i explained why my elbows move around a bit previous to my jerk. Apparently there is no rational critical discourse allowed, just “yes” no matter what the issue.
Clean pull
Front squat
Holy shit tickets I need to switch clubs soon soon soon. Not only am i getting weaker but im sure the stupidity is wearing off on me as well. Soon ill be telling people to train lifts very slowly and then criticizing them for not being fast enough.
So yesterday 4/28/09
I had to go to the Univ’s mini-hospital for urgent care. I’ve been having some trouble breathing, but yesterday this shit hit the fan. Couldn’t really sleep night, and was having real trouble getting enough air. Major asthma got me, had to stop 4 times to force air in while walking from class to the mini-hospital, normally a 3 minute walk. Last time it was this bad was back in 6th grade, 1998.
Anywho they got me breathing out of tube, gave me an inhaler and some pills. I feel better now, only that I am coughing up green mucous, last time I had a cold was in Feb/March, which means I got some bugs down there in my lungs. I plan to see specialist soon, and find out once and for all wtf is going on.
Now… training today 4/29/08
Took it somewhat easy… Tried to snatch 40kg, did it, but my left wrist didn’t like it. So that was it for Olifts.
Front Squats (zombie arms)
-could only do 2reps with 93kg… not good, I normally do 5 with this easy.
Windshield wipers.
–could only twists 5 times.
Bulgarian Split Squats.
-10reps 30lbs. 2sets
some glute-ham raise and overhead shrugs with the bar…
Well my left wrist is not quite ready yet, and I am a little weaker. (no surprise there). So far it looks like I won’t be going to the May 2nd meet
So you have asthma but no inhaler? Shitty. You should get an inhaler. I found my asthma is highly correlated to my diet.
Go to a good naturopath and get a food allergy test [blood work]. that’ll let you know what time it is diet wise.
If you’ve been drinking [booze] a bit lately then that would also be a likely trigger. When i get boozed up too much in a row the allergic reaction to the beer [yeast, wheat in particular] is a ton of lung congestion.
I would see a few different kinds of docs on this one. I lived with Bullshit asthma for ages before seeing the naturo doc and then it essentially went away unless i eat only cheese and beer.
[quote]Avocado wrote:
So you have asthma but no inhaler?
Thats how I roll son! Sike nah.
Only rarely have I dealt with asthma type things, according to my mom my first problem was when I was 1y.o and got a really bad bronchitis infection.
Apparently it never really went away or something… Other major episodes asthma/breathing problems events followed in 3rd grade, 6th grade, 8th grade, 1st winter in the US (9th grade), and 12th grade. Plus usually a full month after I get over a cold I am still coughing up green stuff.
After following up with the doctor yesterday and today it turns out I have bronchitis. (no wonder, after being treated for asthma on Tuesday and being able to breathe well I started coughing up green tuff).
I am gonna stick 100% to the antibiotics and 2 inhalers (different types) the doc gave me. Hopefully no more bronchitis or asthma shit after this.
I trained on Friday, did well enough with breathing BUT my left wrist just would not accept a snatch heavier than 50kg, and could barely hold on to a clean.
Because of that and the breathing shit I decide to not lift at today’s meet.
I still would have liked to go and watch my friends, the sexy female lifters, and get a good massage, BUT I end up at work instead.
75/1x2 [both fails technique wise here. I didnt realize i would get a chance at unsupervised hevy lifting and wore myself out doing EDT doubles over the last 4 days. shit. I figure out whats up next sat and prepare to snatch 85]
I wanted to see how much I could snatch this time without my wrist bitching and to give a try to some cleans.
I manadged to snatch 50kg with light bearable pain. But I decided to keep it there and so some Power Position pull+pull+snatch
–now the pain is mostly in my palm, and it was easier than on Wednesday.
Then I did some cleans… and those did hurt a bit more. Kept them at 50kg and only did about 6reps total before I stopped.
-Although the bar felt heavier than usual, my biggest limiting factor was the wrist. Had it not been because of it, I would have defenitely gone to the meet today.
Finished the day with
-Snatch pulls up to 70kg
-Cleans pulls up to 80kg
Front Squat Zombie arms
-95kg 1rep… Is it just me because I am a little weaker, or are these harder than Front Squats with a clean grip???
[quote]ninearms wrote:
Neospartan, do you ever wrap your wrists in any way? I use cut-down boxing wraps for snatching and they work like a charm.[/quote]
yeah some good wrist wraps with velcro are bad ass to keep your shit in shape.
In other news: I have some goddamn patellar tendinitis. I suppose it’s as bad as it is good. After I train through it and fix it up My knees will be back in high intensity shape but for now they hurt like a whore and are mildly swollen. Looks like its step ups for me.
got to the place in Long Island early, drove in with a teammate who had to weigh in early.
took photo’s until near the end of the 1st mens section, then started warming up.
weighed in at 95.6 (or was it 95.8?) - i was expecting 97.5 or so, thats good)
Attempt 1:
65 - low(ish) powersnatch, good attempt
Attempt 2:
70 - high squat snatch - good attempt
Attempt 3:
75 - miss, didn’t pull it high enough and left it out front
Clean and Jerk
Attempt 1:
85 - easy clean, solid jerk, good attempt
92 - easy clean, ok jerk, probably pressed it out, good attempt
95 - strong clean, threw the jerk away out front.
total : 162kg, which earned me 2nd place in the 105 division… because it was me and one other guy who totaled 219. This total is a 7kg PR for total, but I’ve made both 70/92 before, but not together. 75 is a few weeks away, and 95 is there too. So, this gives me a new goal : for Garden State Games, I’d like to hit 75/95 second attempts as an 85, or as a light 94.