Lifting in Bmore 4/24/09
Testing the Snatch and Clean & Jerk:
-Well it turns out that there is a guy in our group who started out being weaker than me and is now out squatting me, Cleans 8kg more, and Jerks 4kg more. However, I had a nice 7kg lead on him on the Snatch.
I come in today and see the dude is out snatching me by 1kg!!! Now… thats just not cool.
(btw… we are good friends just a little healthy competition that his girlfriend is more than willing to add fire to. Also he is a 77kg I am an 85kg so I loose on BW too)
So starting to Snatch, I told myself, this Joke needs to end and got to get aggressive on this.
-All nice, exept I missed 65kg behind.
-75kg easy! (I’ve missed this fucker for the past 2 weeks)
-78kg! SOLID! 1kg PR Snatch, and tied with him.
-80kg! MISS! so close.
-80kg! GOT IT!!! Fuck yes, got a little 2kg lead.
(the girl voice in the video is the girlfriend, he had to leave early for work so he was not there to witness me outsnatch him)
-82kg Miss. x3
–looking back I should have only treid 82kg once… but i really wanted the 4kg lead to tie on total.
Clean & Jerks!
-bad news… my shrug is having problems, and I am kinda tired.
got 90kg with effort, but the shrug is 100% not firing. (It was fiting in most of the snatches)
93kg PR attempt. miss x3.
–the 3rd attemp was a bad miss. I strained both wrists, especially the left one.
–Looking back at the replay:
(1)no shrug, so as the bar was coming down I was getting my elbows through
(2)got the elbows through but the bar was not racked across my collar bone + shoulders
(3)bar lands hard on my wrist and chest, elbows collapse.
(4)elbows hit knees
(5)I open my arms and fall back… but my left wrist took the worst of the strain.
Hopefully it will be fine by the meet on Saturday.
stretch, go home, put some ice on the wrist.