I wanted to post this in the beginner forum and the physique forum as well as this one, but I guess that would be poor etiquette.
Can Olympic Lifting help me reach my physique goals?
Last year I was forced to quit training at my OL gym. School, marriage, life and gym hours prevent me from committing the needed amount of time to be productive. I mean, I could go in get half a workout maybe twice a week. But being the type of person I am, I decided that this was an opportunity to really emphasize some other aspect of my training and return to my gym stronger than ever. It would also be a good time to increase my nekid factor. Really I don’t look to shabby nekid. But I would like to reach a degree muscularity where people don’t ask “Oh, do you workout?” That question pisses me off. I have tried to reach my goals by avoiding anything associated with BB i.e. 3x10, curls, smith machines (though I did find a good use for these, but only one), Hammer Strength equipment or personal trainers. But eventually dabbled with a few, but not all of the above. A year latter and I pretty much look the same. I am stronger and heavier. But really I don’t look much stronger.
I decided to increase my knowledge of old school training. And studied the trianing of the people that I would like to look like and lift like. Namely John Grimek. Old schoolers had a look that cannot be achieved by todays training. They looked stong and they were strong. Old school lifters often trianed the Olympic lifts for reps above the 1-3 used by todays OL’ers and did full body routines 3x a week or more. So it has me thinking that these guys were onto something.
So again I pose the question, can OL help me reach me physique goals? I think it can. And I’m going to try to prove it. Mainly I want to prove it to myself and my brother who has been brain washed by Weider and the Bodybuilding Encyclopedia by Arnold. I want reach a point where no one ever asks me again “Oh, do you lift.” My goal, “Look strong, be strong.” I stole that from someone on the Old school board, but I gonna use it from not on. The workout revolves around repititious OL. Here it is:
Front Squat - 55
Squat Snatch - 55
Power Jerk - 55, 1 clean & five jerks(I’m a power jerker)
Squat Clean - 55
Over head Press - 55, 1 clean and five presses
Standing 1 leg Calf raises - maybe 510 (because big thighs and skinny calves looks stupid)
Front Squat - heavy single for 1-3 sets
Squat Snatch - heavy single, but not too heavy since I can’t drop the weight
Jerks - Heavy single
Squat Clean - heavy single
Overhead Press - Heavy single
Back Squat - 46
Split Snatch - 46
Split Jerk - 46
Split Clean - 46
Overhead Press - 4*6
(I think the split versions will offer some variety and a under utilized by BB’ers and OL’ers)
I won’t be going all out right at first I’m going to ease into for at least one week. I have a tendancy to come out with guns blazing. This is sometimes helpful, but sometimes causes quick burnout.
On tue & thur I’m going to do some short low intensity cardio (walking). I’m thinking about adding a program similar to the old York routines(but a much much lighter version) right after the cardio. I will wait at least one full cycle before adding this aspect into the mixe. I don’t want to do too much too soon.
Any though, comments, ideas or critisisms? I think the overall principle is sound. I would love it if some of the T-Mag writers would give their .02.