Alright let’s get some good discussion going here…just getting back into it after a long, long lay-off. I think a big reason, most people fail in their programs is that they don’t periodize or even HAVE a program…
I want to add the olympic lifts into my program…forever!! You know clean, snatch, behind neck jerk press, clean & jerk, etc. Should I keep them in all stages of my program year round or leave them in a power phase only?? If I leave them out won’t my central nervous system become less accustomed to the lifts so when I go back to them I’ll be weaker? I find these movements addicting…
I’m only interested in gaining FUNCTIONAL LBM…sorry, not that much into bodybuilding per se. I like the “fuctional” greek look. 190 functional lbs. is better than 190 bodybuilding lbs. No pec deck and curls for the girls for me…
BTW, you guys gotta agree…lower weightclass weightlifters and sprinters have better looking bodies than muscleheads…
Later T-Heads