Im 23 5’4" 185LBS, Im looking to lose weight and gain muscle I would like some advice on nutrition supplementation and training.
I did the body for life thing for 12 weeks when i was 20 and lost 40lbs unfortunatly i was still fat. I have no problem being dedicated this is something i really want. I was looking at the fat to fire program and the melt down program but i am worried they might be to much to handle.
Also I cant do anything dairy due to chrons disease. This is something I really need to do for myself and would love feed back.
I plan on posting pics of before and in proggress when I start which I plan On starting in a week or 2 once ive compiled some much needed info, Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me
There is nothing wrong with the BFL program for a beginner. Fitness is not just a short term thing but is a total lifestyle change. Stay focused, set goals and keep at it.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, be patient it will happen if you are willing to make the sacrafices it takes. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy and building a better body is no exception. There are NO shortcuts.
Everyone’s body is unique, but stay focused, train hard, eat healthy and don’t quit and I guarantee you will see results.