Help With Training & Weight Loss

This is my first post so hi all. really need you guys help on a weight loss muscle building program im currently 92kgs im 6ft 3 age 24 my biggest problem areas are the love handles and belly and i really wanna do something about it i would attach a pic but makes me feel sick lookin at it lol!!

so far ive browsed the site and seen a lot of reccomendations for Chad Waterbury’s programs. what do u guys think on this,
also i downloaded his complete program do u think this would help for what im trying to achieve and in this specific order

ABBH I Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy I
ABBH II Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy II
SFM Strength Focused Mesocycle
SOB SOB Training
TTT Triple Total Training
HH Hybrid Hypertrophy
WM Waterbury Method
TBT Total Body Training
PFM Primed For Muscle
QD Quattro Dynamo
SC Singles Club
BBB Big Boy Basics

NB3 Next Big Three
OSC Outlaw Strength & Conditioning
ART The Art Of Waterbury
LFGB Lift Fast Get Big
GPP General Physical Preparedeness
10x3FFL 10 x 3 For Fat Loss
hope you guys can help me kind regards dale

Hows your diet?? any and all of those programs will work with a diet to fit your goals


well for breakfast im having oatmeal or high fibre cereal with 48g protein shake

before i work out im having chicken lettuce tomato sandwiches with wholemeal bread

then work out loadsa water

asap after workout protein shake 48g

then salmon chicken or turkey + veg

and for my last 2 meals a variant of both including 1 more shake
all in all around 230g of protein a day
50g of carbs 10g of fats hardly any saturated

do you think this diet is ok for achieving my goal??

do you think i should start with the fat 10x3 first?? or which one

[quote]dellboy24 wrote:
well for breakfast im having oatmeal or high fibre cereal with 48g protein shake

before i work out im having chicken lettuce tomato sandwiches with wholemeal bread

then work out loadsa water

asap after workout protein shake 48g

then salmon chicken or turkey + veg

and for my last 2 meals a variant of both including 1 more shake
all in all around 230g of protein a day
50g of carbs 10g of fats hardly any saturated

do you think i should start with the fat 10x3 first?? or which one

When you say ‘all in all’ do you mean for the whole day? Based on what you posted, you’re only going about 1200 Kcals.

yeah unfortunately i dont really know what else is good to eat ive always been recommended fruit veg chicken fish turkey along those lines how much should i be lookin to take in per day??

Do yourself a favor, search for Lonnie Lowery and John Berardi (you can use the search function of this site). Read their articles and learn what it takes to actually lose weight.

Personally, I think that on the protein side of things, you are doing well. However, you are eating way too little and are probably going to shut down your metabolism, if you haven’t already.

Also, for a quick read of things, look at that ‘Are you a Beginer’ threads. They have links to a lot of really good articles that will help you with your diet.

Feel free to keep asking questions once you read a few articles.

could anyone post a links to diet plans currently reading through the threads but not many reccomendations on what to eat and what to avoid

[quote]dellboy24 wrote:
could anyone post a links to diet plans currently reading through the threads but not many reccomendations on what to eat and what to avoid[/quote]

Are you sure about that? Generally, they explain what is considered good (protein) and what is considered bad (high GI carbs and bad fats).

If you are looking for a diet that tells you what to eat and at what time, you won’t find it. Around here, the authors try to educate the readers so that they can succeed in the long term.

Why not try setting up your own sample diet (based on what you read) and post it here? Then, a number of people can review it and offer you some tips.