Hello Christian,
since I’m a big believer in your methods I would like to try your Power Holds for shoulder stability and external rotator strength.
One thing I noticed is that, the Klokov Press (wide grip behind the neck press) basically forces you into the exact same position as you describe in your Power Holds article - i.e. scapula retracted and pressed down, showing your lats to the front etc.
Where do you see the differences between those two and when would you prefer one over the other?
I will be starting HP Mass in a few weeks and I am wondering how to incorporate one of the two.
An answer would be greatly appreciated as I think a few people could profit from it.
[quote]simpsonSG wrote:
Hello Christian,
since I’m a big believer in your methods I would like to try your Power Holds for shoulder stability and external rotator strength.
One thing I noticed is that, the Klokov Press (wide grip behind the neck press) basically forces you into the exact same position as you describe in your Power Holds article - i.e. scapula retracted and pressed down, showing your lats to the front etc.
Where do you see the differences between those two and when would you prefer one over the other?
I will be starting HP Mass in a few weeks and I am wondering how to incorporate one of the two.
An answer would be greatly appreciated as I think a few people could profit from it.
The difference is that one is a lift and the other one is a hold. Completely different training stimulus. Not to mention that the weight you’ll be able to use will be A LOT higher in the support/hold then in the press which is why I describe it as a stability exercise.
If you are using strict form (no leg drive at all) the snatch press (the real name of the exercise) will have you use fairly light weights. Just because Klokov can use 315lbs on this movement doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to use lots of weight… in contrast Klokov has strict press (military press) 400lbs and push pressed 500 or so. You’ll likely use 60 or so percent of what you would use on your military press (for example if you can do 150lbs x 5 in the military press you’ll probably do 90 or 100lbs x 5 in the snatch press).
Just keep that in mind… if your goal is to build muscle and strength maybe picking the press variation where you can use the less weight isn’t the best idea. Just because you see someone you admire do a certain lift doesn’t mean that you should do it to.
I wouldnt use the overhead supports/holds as a main exercise either. It’s more of an activation/supplemental movement.
Thank you very much for this detailed answer!
I will stick to the power holds then.
Where exactly would you do them in the HP Mass program?
My idea was to do them in between my overhead ramping sets.
That way I could just use my ramping weights and be optimally prepared for the following heavy pressing.
Would you approve that or am I missing something counterproductive?
Greetings from Germany