I thought that since beach season is coming up, and since I’ll be a lifeguard, it couldn’t hurt to improve my arms and shoulders a bit. Basically, I’ve been training Waterbury style and get great results from it, but I’m about as chest/lat dominant in compound moves as it gets.
Lately, I’ve been adding more curls/skullys at the end of workouts but I haven’t had much success. I also started doing close grip bench presses and I’m still chest dominant…
Any exercises or methods you guys recommend?
For the record, I’m halfway through my last container of Surge but will have some creatine left over, and until the Summer, I’ll have spent all my money on food.
I have pretty much until July and then attempting to gain weight becomes an exercise in futility due to frying in the sun daily.
I used to guard too. I would sit on the stand and just eat all day. It helped to pass the time if nothing else. Pack an insulated bag or work out a deal with your partner so that he brings stuff back from his break and you bring stuff back from yours.
Well, it’s been said before that you can’t build a house without a good foundation. Squats and deadlifts are great for packing on muscle. Full body growth is the by-product.
For triceps one of the best things I ever did was follow CT’s OVT and use close-grip bench and dips. Example: Closegrip set of 5, followed immediately by dips set of 5. 60-90 sec rest and repeat. Do this for 5X5.
Something else you could try, especially if you are chest dominant is trade chest work for overhead work. Military press, push press, one arm DB work, etc. You’ll find it works tri’s more than you’d think, and when you return to benching…well try it and see.
Shoulders - front, lateral, and bent rear delt raises. Military presses.
Biceps - incline bench curls. Bench should be around 45 degrees. Any lower, and theres too much strain on the shoulder. Any more, and you don’t get the extra stretch at the bottom of the movement.
Triceps - DB bench with neutral grip. Keep the DBs as close as possible, lowering the weight to the lower sternum. That should take your chest out of it, and place most of the emphasis on the triceps.
[quote]roofus_5 wrote:
Well, it’s been said before that you can’t build a house without a good foundation. Squats and deadlifts are great for packing on muscle. Full body growth is the by-product.
For triceps one of the best things I ever did was follow CT’s OVT and use close-grip bench and dips. Example: Closegrip set of 5, followed immediately by dips set of 5. 60-90 sec rest and repeat. Do this for 5X5.
Something else you could try, especially if you are chest dominant is trade chest work for overhead work. Military press, push press, one arm DB work, etc. You’ll find it works tri’s more than you’d think, and when you return to benching…well try it and see.[/quote]
Thats good advice. I think that the best tricep exercise (next to Close Grip BP) is weighted dips, and then OH pressing movements. After that would be your iso movements like kickbacks and ext’s. Another good tri exercise that I like is BP rack lockouts.
If you are lat dominant try rowing exercises that dont hit the lats as well, like close grip barbell rows (or anything not pulling down). Then after you do your compound exercises, move to the isolation stuff and do curls.