Building Better Triceps

I saw a guy with facinating Triceps today. From behind it looks like the bottom half of an X or a horse shoe sticking out of his sleaves. Ive never seen triceps like that. Mine seem very one sided, on the back-outside of my arm. How could i build mine like that?

You just need bigger triceps.

Close grip benches, lockouts off blocks or pins and dips would be a good start.

Good luck.

[quote]Beatnik wrote:
I saw a guy with facinating Triceps today. From behind it looks like the bottom half of an X or a horse shoe sticking out of his sleaves. Ive never seen triceps like that. Mine seem very one sided, on the back-outside of my arm. How could i build mine like that?[/quote]

Change your grip on tricept movements, reverse grip, close grip,if you do one motion work your set and then reverse your grip and do another set.
Works for me.

[quote]Beatnik wrote:
I saw a guy with facinating Triceps today.[/quote]

Now there’s a comment that screams hetero. :wink: Sorry, just kidding, bro. I couldn’t resist.

It’d be a combination of building bigger tris, and shredding down so they’re on display.

Variations of presses (horizontal and vertical) would be the best bet to emphasize the triceps. Standing military presses, heavy jerks, heavy flat bench, close grip bench, and reverse grip bench. When I first started doing reverse grip benching, my arms blew up.

As for getting ripped up, there’s about 9 dozen articles floating around here that can get you there. But one thing at a time. I’d say put some size on them, then diet down the smart way.

The Triceps seems to repseond best to very heavy loading - heavy triples and rack lockouts are good examples.

weighted dips.

kick backs. Do a burn out set of kickbacks with light weight. Your tris will explode.

Or maybe try CGB’s, heavy skull crushers, NG dips, cable press downs, and pushups.

A couple of you mentioned rack lockouts - what are they? And by reverse grip bench, do you mean the inside of your wrists face your head instead of your feet?

[quote]Beatnik wrote:
I saw a guy with facinating Triceps today.[/quote]

For some reason the phrase “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” comes to mind.

RACK LOCKOUTS: place the bench inside a safety rack and set the pins to where you would only perform 4 to 5 inches ROM at the top of the lift (hence, lockout). Use a pinky-on-ring grip or narrower. Don’t ease the weight down, just let that sucker drop once you have locked it out to save wear and tear on your joints. Make sure to keep your elbows tucked.


…And by reverse grip bench, do you mean the inside of your wrists face your head instead of your feet?

Yes. So you hold the bar the same way you would if you were doing barbell curls, with your hands supinated instead of pronated. Drop the weight from what you would typically use for a regular bench press until you get a feel for it.

board presses

Thanks, guys. Gives me ideas to incorporate… grin

Since you said that the outside of your arm is bigger, I’m guessing that the medial and lateral heads are more developed than the long head.

The long head is greatly activated when it is stretched out, exactly what not will happen when doing skullcrushers, close benches, and rack lockouts. These exercises are fantastic, but are not only what you need.

Try some overhead extensions, as well as incline bench extensions. Also try higher reps, most people seem to have a slow twitch tendency with this head of the triceps.

Look back in the archives, Poliquin has an article from '98 about the ten best for triceps.


Prioritize. First exercise of the first workout of the week. This will give you time to hit them again, and recover.

One of the best tricep builders are reverse grip heavy rack rackouts with the bar at 10 inches off the chest. This comes from Ryan Kennelly-he of the 903 bench and ridiculous arm development

I am from the Mike Robertson school of thought, as my triceps did not grow until I started doing heavy presses, dips, and close grip bench press. Check this article out, its one his best.

Unilateral reverse grip pressdowns. Screw my arm, my tri’s started taking over my entire body.

[quote]TopHeavy wrote:

The long head is greatly activated when it is stretched out, exactly what not will happen when doing skullcrushers, close benches, and rack lockouts. These exercises are fantastic, but are not only what you need.


Heavy barbell pullovers into a close grip bench press. 5 sets of 5. Do that after weighted dips. Wow.


Triceps have always been a problem muscle for me. i found that most exercises would just hit the outer tricep.

But I can actually get the inner triceps working nicely when I do either narrow grip cable pull downs or tricep extensions overhead, with my arm close to my head and elbow pointing straight ahead. These especially.

Strangely, although I’ve done countless dips, and they used to be my favorite exercise, I never developed much on my triceps with them except for the outside, and never even gained all that much tricep strength with them. Just a lot of front shoulder and chest.