Strangely, I haven’t seen much for “how do I train my arms” threads in a long while.
Anyway, I need/want to start training my arms directly and I’d like some advice. I have monkey arms with a narrow torso.
My regular training is squat, bench, row, deadlift, pullup; pretty high frequency. I’d like to add some arm training on top of that.
Two caveats, up front:
BB curls cause too much pain in my forearms. I’ve tried several widths and elbow positions, higher rep, lower rep, but I haven’t found anything that doesn’t end up hurting my forearms.
My right elbow has some issues from an infection and/or botched surgery job when I was a baby. I can extend it all the way for tricep movements, but not bicep movements. I literally can’t move my arm past about 95% extended - good for maintaining tension, bad for getting a stretch.
Otherwise… this is what I was thinking.
For biceps:
(after rows or deadlifts or pullups) ez-bar curls + hammer curls
For triceps:
(after bench) close-grip bench + overhead DB extensions? skullcrushers? bar dips?
3x a week on each, alternating days.
Not really sure sets/reps/volume. Given the planned 3x weekly frequency, is 5x10 for each too much? Is 3x8 too little?
Ideally free weights only. I have an ezbar, straight bar, rack, db handles, and micro plates.
Am I even on the right track?