Exercises for Stronger Triceps?

Hey guys I have been using Lying Triceps Extensions (Skull-Crushers) in every bench workout, and I have been following a linear progression on them and trying to add 5lbs to them each week to increase my tricep strength since my lockout is weaker, I have had very good success with them, and progressed a lot but now my body is adabting to the stimulus and I think that I have to replace it with another exercise, so I can keep doing the linear progression.

I do Skull-Crushers after Bench and Floor Press/ CG Bench. My question is which accessory exercise would you recommend me to use next to keep progressing. Which exercises do you use for triceps/Lockout strength?

[quote]TheChosenOne98 wrote:
Hey guys I have been using Lying Triceps Extensions (Skull-Crushers) in every bench workout, and I have been following a linear progression on them and trying to add 5lbs to them each week to increase my tricep strength since my lockout is weaker, I have had very good success with them, and progressed a lot but now my body is adabting to the stimulus and I think that I have to replace it with another exercise, so I can keep doing the linear progression.

I do Skull-Crushers after Bench and Floor Press/ CG Bench. My question is which accessory exercise would you recommend me to use next to keep progressing. Which exercises do you use for triceps/Lockout strength?[/quote]
Skull crushers aren’t going to build the tricep strength required to lockout big weights, things like weighted dips, 2-3 board press, lots of close grip benching is what you need to be doing.

x2 on weighted dips and close grip bench

Close grip press varieties, close grip incline being a personal favorite.

Big triceps will lockout more weight but you need some serious mass behind the elbow too so I’d keep in things like tate presses, rolling tricep extensions, straight bar extensions when you’re further out from a meet then as you get closer get more specific with things like floor press, incline, etc and play with varying grips of close and neutral.

Everyone is giving you great advice here. I’d also add that I utilize bands for my triceps as well. They’re great for a pump or if you’re feeling beat up. They also work the opposite end of the lift in regards to where the lift is most difficult.

Use it all. Get rid of what doesn’t work. It all takes time.

[quote]tylerkeen42 wrote:
x2 on weighted dips and close grip bench[/quote]


Tricep Death - will require 1, 2, 3 and hopefully a 4bd & someone to hold/switch board & spotter. Do not rack bar until completely finished. Use comp grip of close grip, the bar and plates don’t care.

start with a fairly easy weight - something you can hit for @ 10 reps. Adjust future session accordingly.

rep 1-5 to chest, then board person put in 1 bd
rep 6-10 to 1bd, then board person switches out 1bd for 2 bd
rep 11-15 to 2bd, then board person switches out the 2bd for 3bd
rep 16-20 to 3bd, then board person switches out the 3bd for 4bd
rep 21-25 to 4bd

If you are not fried, you can reverse the process in reps of 5.

Aside from more bench volume and frequency, I have had success with board presses, close grip variations, slingshot bench, and benching against bands. Floor press is only tricep-specific if you have long arms or a small rib cage, I do floor presses still but the bar is almost touching at the bottom. Dips are good, but in my case it doesn’t seem to hit triceps any more than the above exercises. Lately I have been doing JM presses for sets of 6-8, heavy tricep extensions bother my elbows but for whatever reason JM presses don’t, plus you can probably move more weight.

Either way, change up your exercises every few weeks or months because you will adapt. Higher rep hypertrophy stuff can help if you need more mass (lots of different variations to choose from) but you need to actually move weight to get stronger, sets of 12 will add more mass than strength.

[quote]hawkcapt1912 wrote:
Tricep Death - will require 1, 2, 3 and hopefully a 4bd & someone to hold/switch board & spotter. Do not rack bar until completely finished. Use comp grip of close grip, the bar and plates don’t care.

start with a fairly easy weight - something you can hit for @ 10 reps. Adjust future session accordingly.

rep 1-5 to chest, then board person put in 1 bd
rep 6-10 to 1bd, then board person switches out 1bd for 2 bd
rep 11-15 to 2bd, then board person switches out the 2bd for 3bd
rep 16-20 to 3bd, then board person switches out the 3bd for 4bd
rep 21-25 to 4bd

If you are not fried, you can reverse the process in reps of 5.[/quote]

I have my girlfriend do this in different rep ranges, definitely a great way to overload triceps and handle weight longer

[quote]corstijeir wrote:
Close grip press varieties, close grip incline being a personal favorite.

Big triceps will lockout more weight but you need some serious mass behind the elbow too

x2 get in a ton of reps with moves that wont piss off your elbows…

‘JM press’ a good variation for main bench workout also

The most productive move for me is DB Floor Presses. Hands down this has built strength and thickness in my triceps better than anything. Different from using a bar because now you have to stabilize the weight in all directions too. Football bar, angled or straight, is another favorite. Followed by wide grip (outside your shoulder width) cable pushdowns with an added mini band.