now im having issues with my abs when i go heavy on compound exercises, like squats which are the worst
now i was told by the doc to avoid going heavy for a few weeks because too much abdominal pressure could make my spleen burst
i recovered pretty quick, started lifting a bit just after a week, 3 weeks later started going heavy
now, my lower abs are sore after pretty much all my workouts no matter what i do and if i squat heavy (~300lbs) it kills my abs, especially lower, they get so damn sore and i kinda feel nauseous and my abs are actually in a bit of pain after the workout
now im really paranoid since i was operated for a linguinal hernia 5 years ago since i still get some pain and soreness down there especially of late (been to a whole bunch of doctors in the past few years, all told me the hernia is fine, that i didnt tear it again)
Yeah. Take it easy. I had mono in about 7 months ago, and I had it for a month before that without even knowing it, except for the chronic fatigue and loss of strength. I felt like I was getting better, figured it for a cold/minor flu. Then I REALLY got sick. I was in bed rest for 3 weeks, barely able to walk around for 2 weeks after that, and couldn’t lift at all for another 4 weeks after that.
I lost 40 lbs. Mostly muscle. Went from 500 lb deadlift for 5 reps to 315 for 5.
Stay home, take the next couple weeks completely off, do nothing. You will thank me later. Mono can re-emerge right when you start to feel better if you push yourself too hard or don’t obey your doctors orders.
[quote]Aragorn wrote:
Yeah. Take it easy. I had mono in about 7 months ago, and I had it for a month before that without even knowing it, except for the chronic fatigue and loss of strength. I felt like I was getting better, figured it for a cold/minor flu. Then I REALLY got sick. I was in bed rest for 3 weeks, barely able to walk around for 2 weeks after that, and couldn’t lift at all for another 4 weeks after that.
I lost 40 lbs. Mostly muscle. Went from 500 lb deadlift for 5 reps to 315 for 5.
Stay home, take the next couple weeks completely off, do nothing. You will thank me later. Mono can re-emerge right when you start to feel better if you push yourself too hard or don’t obey your doctors orders.
ya i lost alot of weight too, 20-25lbs in 4 days but i gained back 10 almost 15, strength didnt take too much of a hit except for squats since i didnt take much of a break from the gym
im not worried about getting sick again to be honest, i got pharyngitis as a result of the mono to the point where i could barely swallow water which passed fast once i was on antibiotics, then 3 weeks of major fatigue and im back to normal now
just my goddamn abs are all fucked up since i got mono and i have no idea why
Ease into training. It may mean cutting weight and volume down till your body can handle it. I would be trying to get more sleep right now if I were you and focus on getting quality nutrients back in. Strength comes back pretty quickly, and what is important is getting your health back to 100% before stressing your body again!!!
dude… why would you push yourself back into this. I had mono, and they were worried about abdominal pressure making my spleen explode. I am not sure why you want to tempt the fates with that.
Did the doc say you got the hernia or is this your own diagnosis? See a doc, and take some time off. Rupturing your spleen is not a joke.
[quote]coolnatedawg wrote:
dude… why would you push yourself back into this. I had mono, and they were worried about abdominal pressure making my spleen explode. I am not sure why you want to tempt the fates with that.
Did the doc say you got the hernia or is this your own diagnosis? See a doc, and take some time off. Rupturing your spleen is not a joke.[/quote]
so far just my own but im seeing a doc on wednesday
definitely not the spleen since thats on the left side and the hernia which i think i have in on the right, something definitely isnt right with that area right now
rushed back into lifting because i keep having to take time off because of injuries and illness (5th time in just over a year) and if i stop for more than 2 weeks my strength drops off dramatically, didnt want that to happen and i fucked myself…