Genetic Potential

I’m curious about how big a person with average genes (yea this is horrificly vague) can grow in terms of muscle mass.

Lets say person A is 5’8" person B is 5’10" and person C is 6’2"

how big could these guys get using only years and years of good training combined with nutrition and only protein powders as a “supplement” to their diet and excercise.

All things equal how much would these guys weigh? I know BF factors into this obviously… so lets say they have a BF of 11-15%

Some natural and previously natural guys responding would clear up a lot of questions in my head.

I think it would also have to do with the frame size of the person not just there hieght.

right frame is important too… like ecto and meso and such

so lets say average frame hehe

basicaly the type of response I’d like to get would be something like this:

I worked out for x years, ate well and worked hard, didn’t use roids (legal or illegal), I’m x feet x inches tall and at a good lean shape I weighted x number of pounds.

It depends on an entire myriad of factors. some of these include: limb lengths, muscle lengths, tendon lengths, hormonal factors, total # of muscle cells, total # of FT muscle cells, muscle recruitment capabilities, work capacity capabilities, digestive system capabilities and since it’s rare to find someone who either really sucks or is really gifted in all factors perhaps the most important are intelligence and desire.

When I left high school I was 6-3, 150, about 6% bodyfat. My heaviest weight this year came 3 months ago at 6-5, 278, about 12% bodyfat. I am 30 currently. I am now about 252@9% bodyfat (cutting up for a trip to the Bahamas). Once I get back I will go on a mass phase again to try and get back up to my goal of 275@8% bodyfat. Not bad for a guy that considered himself a hardgainer for years. I played basketball in college and didn’t have the sense to realize that playing 3 hours a day for years and years led to zero muscle growth. My senior year of college in pre-season testing I weighed 196@8% bodyfat. So gaining 65 pounds of muscle (at peak weight)in 7 years since college and over 100 pounds of muscle (at peak weight) since high school all natural I think is pretty impressive. I fall into the genetic freak category as I never get enough protein, and live on chips, ice cream, mountain dew, etc. The biggest key is knowing my body now. I have lost 26 (about 13 pounds of fat and 13 pounds of muscle) pounds in 3 months just by adding 30 minutes of cardio every other time I work out, and drinking diet pop and fat free milk. And I know I can gain it right back once I get back. I don’t think there are any hard and fast rules by body type, or height…I think it comes over several years of learning what you body responds to and how to take advantage of that depending on your goals at the time.

Jason B thanks for the reply… that was what I was looking for.

myself I’m 6’3" and right now weigh 210 (in hs and 2 years of college I was a skinny 170).

Getting to 278 naturally is pretty impressive to me at least.

I’m just curious about how big (while still being fairly lean) can a person get… how strong will the human body grow if given a chance to grow naturally.

Wish I could get more input as to be able to avoid the “freak” factor.

Personally I think you are one heheee

I started to maintain weight much easier after I was 21-22 yrs. old. I din’t have to eat as much, and I could still train very intensely and not lose weight. Then again, I didn’t know that much about bodybuilding programs and dieting back then. I was always more into powerlifting. To help answer your question, I think genetics plays a large part. I’m a typical mesomorph, and never had to work that hard at gaining mass. My best measurements were when I was about 23 yrs old. - 5’11", 233lbs, 10.5% BF. Hope it helps.

I remember reading that the average male is 5’9" and I think the “average” male can get to 175-180 @ about 10%. Alot of people on this site may think that is too low but I am talking in tearms of “average” guy working out hard 2-3x’s a week and eating pretty well, not a fanatic or someone with great genes.

There’s a thread from the summer involving using BMI (Mass Index) as a determinent of genetic potential. Bill Roberts made some interesting points. Check it out with the search engine, although I don’t remember the thread’s title. Maybe genetic potential?